Anyone have problems doing strict carnivore?

I started a keto diet last year. It was "dirty" as I learned more. Earlier this year, I went straight up carnivore - GF/GF meat, raw milk, eggs. I lost a bunch of weight and was starting to worry it was too much - so I began throwing a little roughage back into the mix. I'm in my mid-fifties and haven't felt this good since ... well, never! I'm a huge fan of carnivore/ketovore. I also get A LOT of sunshine, take supplements to offset dietary b-vitamin and electrolyte loss, and drink 1/2 cup of kefir daily (for serotonin precursor to melatonin for sleep).

By the way, had typical blood check a few weeks ago (and other tests mentioned by Ken Berry, MD) - and was pleased.
I did carnivore for about a month, with eggs for breakfast and then just venison and beef ribeye.

No issues other than being bored of eating the same damn thing every day, may try it again at some point?
I've been carnivore since January and was keto for about 6 years before that. I feel great, have steady energy and sleep well. I work out and don't hit a wall due to lack of carbs. I also get blood lipid panels done every couple of months and my numbers are very good. That being said, its an adjustment. It takes your gut a week or three to adjust. You also have to mentally get past the food as a reward thing and find recipes to mix it up a little. Not for everyone but works for me.