Anyone have problems doing strict carnivore?

I eat an extra few pieces of bacon and I can't move tomorrow!
I'm curious for more details.

Why can't you move? When you say can't move, do you meant something hurts? Or more literally that you have severe weakness (I'm guessing not)? If it is pain, what hurts?

Or, simple answer if you know, do you have gout and bacon makes it worse?
I went right for it and dropped dairy after 5 weeks. Having issues after 90 days but my total t went from 490 to 888 and my high thyroid reading corrected. Getting more markers checked tomorrow to try and figure out the malaise and joint pain that has been coming and going.

67 and all natty
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I'm curious for more details.

Why can't you move? When you say can't move, do you meant something hurts? Or more literally that you have severe weakness (I'm guessing not)? If it is pain, what hurts?

Or, simple answer if you know, do you have gout and bacon makes it worse?
Sorry, should have been more specific. I have Gout
Rookie question, do you go full meat or work your way into it?
Full meat!

You can also do dirty carnivore. Tomato, onion, mushrooms, cheese, leaks, flavor enhancers. Dairy does have carbs in it, so you need to limit it greatly.

The key is getting rid of all grains, legumes, heavy starch root vegetables and as low as a carbohydrate intake as possible.

You will poop, I promise!

You will not have 1/6th the inflammation.

You will be the smartest you have ever been.
What happened to your liver @stoopiddumbman ?
Well it took a beating in my youth but nothing from eating all meat.

What I read is that if you do zero carb diet like all meat then your liver has to work extra hard to turn protein into carbs (gluconeogenesis). Your body needs carbs so if you aren't eating them it makes them. So wherever I read that they recommended eating some carbs maybe like 25-50 grams a day to make life easier for your liver. It was talking long term over decades which I don't remember and doubt they actually had any proof I think it was more of a theory. I doubt there is any risk if you do it for a few years. Could all be BS, if you google zero carb liver one article says it cures fatty liver disease then the next one says it causes it lol. Scientists have no clue.
Rookie question, do you go full meat or work your way into it?
A lot of people, like myself, start out with a keto/low carb diet and then change over gradually to carnivore. I was eating lots of salads while on keto, and got tired of all the time it took to make my salad every day, and also came to realize I was getting almost zero nutrition from those salads. It's simpler to eat only meat, and cheaper.
A side note: some of the more level headed scientists have theorized that the benefits people are seeing from all meat diet are because the eating zero carb puts your body into a similar state to fasting. I know people that swear by fasting and one is an 80 year old that moves like a 40 year old. So if you aren't keen on all meat I would highly recommend trying fasting. Eating low carb in the first place makes fasting much easier. It is also easier for me to work up to it, wait to eat first meal until 2PM for a week. Then do a couple 1 day fasts the next week. The full benefits are supposed to start to happen at 3 days.
By the way, I had fatty liver disease, keto/carnivore cured it. I'm 55 years old and my weight is the same now as when I was in high school.
Well it took a beating in my youth but nothing from eating all meat.

What I read is that if you do zero carb diet like all meat then your liver has to work extra hard to turn protein into carbs (gluconeogenesis). Your body needs carbs so if you aren't eating them it makes them. So wherever I read that they recommended eating some carbs maybe like 25-50 grams a day to make life easier for your liver. It was talking long term over decades which I don't remember and doubt they actually had any proof I think it was more of a theory. I doubt there is any risk if you do it for a few years. Could all be BS, if you google zero carb liver one article says it cures fatty liver disease then the next one says it causes it lol. Scientists have no clue.
Thanks for taking the time to explain. My liver surely took a beating in my youth too. Youth is anything under 50 right?
Thanks @*zap* for the question and thread. It's really great to jump in a group like this and get perspectives from a large(ish) group of folks on what they believe/has worked for them/they've enjoyed, etc. The one argument no dietitian/nutritionist can ever make- including me- is an argument against someones subjective experience (i.e. "I felt better eating XYZ way..."). No data on the planet can replace the way someone feels when eating or training a certain way. And, frankly, why should it? That is the reason we're all out there trying a million different things- to feel better and do what we love.

Thanks again, everyone.
Keto Jan23 - May23, full, family strict carnivore June23 to present. I did slip a little late July/August when my father passed away. The only issues I've had were a little diarrhea the first few weeks and some malaise & joint pain. I think this may have been my body dumping oxalates, but not sure. Cholesterol is high, but it's the large healthy kind. Not concerned.
Brain fog is gone. Mood is mellow aka carnivore calm. I do miss eating certain vegetables & berries and may add some back at some point, but sugar, grains, seed oils, and processed foods are out for good.
I did 90% carnivore for about 6 months, dropped 20ish lbs. The headaches from the lack of electrolytes were the main thing I thought was a downside. And it was hard to be around people in social situations. I stopped drinking and most bar food was trash. Beyond that, wasn't hard.