Anyone have experience w/ long range fuel tanks?

I added a 42 gallon auxiliary tank between the frame rails on my '14 Power Wagon, its where the factory spare tire went originally. It has dual pumps and they are switch controlled. It was an experiment and needs a little refinement, but 70 gallons of basically invisible fuel on board is tough to beat. If I could have bought a drop in tank that held more I would have, it was a ton of work to get where I am now. On those long, way off the beaten path Nevada and AZ hunts its been well worth the effort.
If you have gotten this far in life without one and it is not something that you envision using frequently going forward, I would get 2 5 gal. gas cans for the Canada/Alaska trip and use the $2,500 on something more utilitarian.

Reminds me of a time w hockey buddy was showing me the $1,500 roof rack he bought for his mall crawler. I didn’t have the heart to ask him what he was going to use it for (other than to show off to his hockey buddies), nor tell him I got almost about half the additional capacity with a receiver-mounted rack I got for $159 at Cabelas.
If you have gotten this far in life without one and it is not something that you envision using frequently going forward, I would get 2 5 gal. gas cans for the Canada/Alaska trip and use the $2,500 on something more utilitarian.

Reminds me of a time w hockey buddy was showing me the $1,500 roof rack he bought for his mall crawler. I didn’t have the heart to ask him what he was going to use it for (other than to show off to his hockey buddies), nor tell him I got almost about half the additional capacity with a receiver-mounted rack I got for $159 at Cabelas.
The down side of receiver racks is the weight is leveraged out behind the rear axel. A $1,500 roof rack certainly is not needed, but no way I would put 300 pounds on a receiver rack (what my bed cap rack is rated for on a dynamic load). I can also load lumber on it, which makes it more utilitarian.
I took out the factory 36 g fuel tank in my 2022 Ford super duty diesel and installed an after market 60 gallon tank. simple bolt in process that also used the factory skid plates etc. Then I added another 60 gallon transfer tank in the bed for a total fuel payload of 120 gallons. I too am planning a long drive to Alaska and want to have the peace of mind knowing that I can drive a long long way before needing any.
It's (per the computer) 2100 miles from Bellingham, WA to Anchorage, AK!
A good map with a way to contact fuel stops along the way would be great!
If diesel is $4/gal in Bellingham, how much could it be in Wobegone, Canada?
A 120 gallon fill up at $6/gal has got to hurt! LOL! ($720?)
@realunlucky we had those cans when I was a game warden; our metal cans would rust out and found those as an alternative.

Didn’t realize they weren’t sold anymore in the US, weird that’s it’s fine in Canada????

Going to look at roof racks- hauling an extra full sized spare and 5 gallons of gas would be handy beyond a trip to AK.
I hardly go any where I'm not hauling atlest 5 gallons in a fuel can, but I go places where you can run out. I have 6 scepter fuel cans and depending on my travel plan adjust the number I'll bring. Since it's tough to fit an actual large sized cooler in the jeep I'll typicslly use a hitch basket or my trailer and throw the cooler and cans together.

These cans will bulge but leak zero vapors which is handy as I can transport a can in the cab . Downsize is getting the cap off at that point as the can has a bunch of pressure on the cap threads, usually takes a tool like a strap wrench to remove at that point. With the proper nozzle you can empty 5 gallons in couple of minutes.

Unfortunately you can't buy them in this country anymore but if your not ferrying across they are readily available in Canada.

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Love that trailer setup! Looking for something small like that for my Jeep.
Downsize is getting the cap off at that point as the can has a bunch of pressure on the cap threads,
You can buy a factory wrench that fits the fuel caps for that. I have one and it works.
Unfortunately you can't buy them in this country anymore but if your not ferrying across they are readily available in Canada.
Still available on eBay. Bought a couple more not long ago.

LCI has or had the mil contract on the water jugs. There’s a wrench available for the lids on these too.
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Don't forget you will get less mpg carrying extra fuel. Roughly 6 lbs. per gallon at some point your . 21 to 33 that's about 108 lbs. Don't know if makes a huge difference in a gasser? But their rated fuel milage is for that 21 gallon tank. 2- 5 gallon cans 60lbs. Think kind of like aircraft the less fuel on board the lighter you are .better fuel economy.
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My local surplus store sells the Scepter cans. I did buy the factory wrench. I can carry gas in the vehicle without a smell. I prefer strapping it to my roof rack though.
+6 on extra full size spares. Between extra fuel and extra spares, you should be comfortable with range. I had a tire get cut on a trail. Me and buddy laughed and enjoyed a brew while changing it. The amount of confidence an extra full size spare gives is awesome.
Took the 38 gallon plastic OEM tank and pot metal "skid tank" out of my F250 Tremor 7.3 and replaced it with 58 gallon all steel gas tank from Transfer Flow...I get about 800 miles out of tank on interstate. Best mod I have done to the truck since I got it in '21.

I call it my Dinosaur coffin....

It hangs about 1.5" lower than stock...not really a big deal...although 18" of snow makes it really easy for your buddies to find you on the mountain. Look for tire tracks with the belly

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I've had Titan and S&B tanks for f250s. If towing at all it's necessary - it's often a challenge trying to refuel with 40' of trailer behind you. When not towing the 1000mile range was nice
yeah that's what I'm thinking :)
2 VP cans and you have the difference in the tank your looking at, a couple solid tops for transporting...then just put the one with hose in your tool box for when you refill...I like to pack then in milk crates along with tools, straps, block, ect.