Anyone going to the Reno Sheep Show next month?

Apr 1, 2013

I don't have a position on it other than I have an internal chuckle at some organizations.

Pheasants Forever and Trout Unlimited, both promote invasive species. I enjoy both, but there's irony...

I’m same way,I like to eat both, and hunt pheasants all the time, but ya I do think PF does a decent job on private land access and promoting and opening up state walk-in hunting programs on private, but it’s hard to wrap my head around what some would consider invasive protections and promotion

Steve O

Classified Approved
Feb 29, 2012
Really? The consequences of more funding is lower sheep populations but more raffle tags. Do you like lower sheep populations? And less sheep tags? Because that’s what record raffle sales have us at right now. Of course we have your herd that is supposedly doing well. A broken clock is still right twice a day. But as a whole it is broken. So broken that guys will use your example to show the progress. Of course we had to let JJ kill the biggest ram…for conservation right?

The misappropriation of conservation dollars voids any of these record fundraising campaigns. You haven’t heard about all the young blonde admins Gary has around? Or chartering flights for F&F to fundraising events? Too good to fly on commercial flights?

All that matters is those at the top get their big rams. Throw in some crumbs for the blue collar guy to keep them happy.

After all bread crumbs are still bread.
That is the most flawed logic I’ve ever seen.

WSF gets 5% of the auction amount. 95% goes DIRECTLY to the sheep program of the state offering up the tag. Most of the auction tags now have a 5% premium automatically added to the final price so the STATE gets 100% of the auction prices.

Maybe you are confused…

The other conservation tags go back 90-95 to the F&G department as the department sees fit. That “fit” is almost always called out in the description.

Other auction items go to various specific causes like “wounded warrior” or “women hunt” or a batterwd women’s shelter or kids rehab center. Then there are some items that go into WSF coffers for all the grants they give out to various game departments and conservation groups.

You make a lot of bold statements that are completely wrong.