Anyone going to the Reno Sheep Show next month?

Make sure you stop by the Eastern Chapter WSF booth and get entered in our raffles that we will be drawing during our Expo February 14th and 15th. Also, we will be looking for new members. I'll be manning the booth most of Saturday, hope to see you.
Didn't win my 1 more for 4. Great friendly people abs fun to watch the NM rocky tag go for $1.3 MILLION
Didn't win my 1 more for 4. Great friendly people abs fun to watch the NM rocky tag go for $1.3 MILLION
Crazy that they had to pull 5 names for the 1 more for 4. I’d be sick

It was my first time at Sheep Show and I definitely enjoyed it. Was great to finally meet and see people I have “known” through PMs and social media, as well as catch up with some outfitters
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Had a great time at the show. Wife had a good time to. Got a chance to look at some gear I’ve been interested in as well as talking to some Fish and Game Depts. Even got to meet Craig Boddington which was cool since I’ve been reading his stuff forever. Definitely worth going to
Crazy that they had to pull 5 names for the 1 more for 4. I’d be sick

It was my first time at Sheep Show and I definitely enjoyed it. Was great to finally meet and see people I have “known” through PMs and social media, as well as catch up with some outfitters
Thought it was gonna be me when they finally said, “this guy needs a Rocky”. But he wasn’t there either!
The only sheep they are putting on the mountain are the big rams from these tags in their trophy rooms. W$F isn’t putting more sheep on the mountain.
Agreed. We should have sheep pouring out our ears with the amount auctions tags are going for but they sure seem to just kinda be staying in the same place.

I love sheep and conservation around them but all these big money hunts are just a way for the wealthy to always be at the front of the line while poor folk sit on the sidelines and hope someday they might get one
Agreed. We should have sheep pouring out our ears with the amount auctions tags are going for but they sure seem to just kinda be staying in the same place.

I love sheep and conservation around them but all these big money hunts are just a way for the wealthy to always be at the front of the line while poor folk sit on the sidelines and hope someday they might get one

define irony though…. Wheeler burns, they relocate sheep into Jemez to save them with help from auction tags, and that herd goes from 45 to 400 in 10 years and just produced 2 200” rams last year and the tag went for more then double this year because what’s still in there….

Weird who know auctions fund sheep relocation and habitat

hopefully someone can come up with a vaccine or cure for movie…. I’m sure all the haters are donating lots of money to Movi issues
Wow! What a success story! Just a few months ago the herd was at 200 and now 400? How many tags do they give out? Sadly you’re using score to equal success? Always a scary combination.

A broke clock is right twice a day🤣

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Sorry got my numbers off, I’ve slept since then .. but it’s still 45 to 200. That’s putting sheep on the mountain and it’s a huge success,

It’s funny the guy bought the tag also last year, also donated a 1 million dollars to help protect the Taos herd, straight donation. That’s putting you money where your mouth is.

Regardless that’s two tags that have now raised 1.9 mil for NM sheep in two years.

You never answered the question, what have you done to help fund or further Movi research?
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define irony though…. Wheeler burns, they relocate sheep into Jemez to save them with help from auction tags, and that herd goes from 45 to 400 in 10 years and just produced 2 200” rams last year and the tag went for more then double this year because what’s still in there….

Weird who know auctions fund sheep relocation and habitat

hopefully someone can come up with a vaccine or cure for movie…. I’m sure all the haters are donating lots of money to Movi issues

That's great, I'm glad that herd is doing great. But it does seem a bit like overall, we're just treading water on sheep or playing whack a mole without making super meaningful progress. We've been told constantly over the last 20 years that this money is putting more sheep on the mountain, but the evidence behind that is generally cherry picked to "Herd X in State Y is doing great, State Z is offering 8 more tags than they did 10 years ago."

I'm agnostic on the topic of auction tags: if they truly are working, that's great, let's keep them. WSF did a nice job this last year in sending out a brochure to members showing where funding is flowing to and the types of projects being supported. We need more of that. But if I use a combination of WSF's own data published in the Summer 2023 magazine article on auction tags (surprise: Boddington concluded we can't live without them), we're issuing fewer RMBH tags across the board than we did in 2010, and with Nevada's tag cuts from last year, we're holding serve on Desert tags. On the RMBH side- pull that data set back even further to 2000, or 1990, and I suspect it would look even worse.

It's ok to question the efficacy of auction tags and what they actually get accomplished. I promise some of you: it's fine to be critical of a system benefitting a couple dozen ultra high net worth individuals and the posse of outfitters they pay to be their friends; it doesn't mean that you're now a raging communist.
That's great, I'm glad that herd is doing great. But it does seem a bit like overall, we're just treading water on sheep or playing whack a mole without making super meaningful progress. We've been told constantly over the last 20 years that this money is putting more sheep on the mountain, but the evidence behind that is generally cherry picked to "Herd X in State Y is doing great, State Z is offering 8 more tags than they did 10 years ago."

I'm agnostic on the topic of auction tags: if they truly are working, that's great, let's keep them. WSF did a nice job this last year in sending out a brochure to members showing where funding is flowing to and the types of projects being supported. We need more of that. But if I use a combination of WSF's own data published in the Summer 2023 magazine article on auction tags (surprise: Boddington concluded we can't live without them), we're issuing fewer RMBH tags across the board than we did in 2010, and with Nevada's tag cuts from last year, we're holding serve on Desert tags. On the RMBH side- pull that data set back even further to 2000, or 1990, and I suspect it would look even worse.

It's ok to question the efficacy of auction tags and what they actually get accomplished. I promise some of you: it's fine to be critical of a system benefitting a couple dozen ultra high net worth individuals and the posse of outfitters they pay to be their friends; it doesn't mean that you're now a raging communist.

We are treading water, even Texas that’s majority private is struggling. But who just help move a bunch of Movi free sheep to protect them from Aoudads and Movi (WSF /Texas Bighorns)

Movi hits the 8 year old rams hard, and is hell on lamb recruitment.

Right now, who is buying domestic sheep allotments? WSF spent $250k in CO last year…wasn’t CPWD

WSF donated/paid for 11.09million last year on research, relocation, testing, and habitat work and grazing protections.

Since 1983 WSF funding has directed 100,746,000 and growing.

Are we winning no, but we will loose if you cut the big money donations from a few tags, where is the funding coming from…
Yep the numbers are off for sure with the W$F lovers.

Less tags in MT now. Guess decades of pimping those breaks tags for nothing.

Less tags in WY

Less tags in UT

Less tags in NV

AK? You guessed it.

Feel free to update the other states.

What has W$F done to cure this movi issue? Is that what they are blaming?

There isn’t even movi in AK. So what’s their excuse there?

I’m glad you’re passionate about your new sheep herd. Like many transplanted ungulates they will do great in a new area for awhile. When they crash and W$F moves on you’ll wake up one day and realized maybe our focus should have been on our native herds. But so many of the native herds don’t produce those 200” rams you think are a metric for heard health or conservation.

All that money raised. And our sheep are sheep numbers are in the toilet. If it’s truely about sheep why must we head hunt them?

If you truely care about something or someone you help out and ask nothing in return.
My numbers aren’t off, it’s a win, not a huge win but a win that’s funding much needed money. I’m specifically speaking TO the 1.3 million tag, and it’s history

Again what have you donated to help with Movi research or grazing allotments? Game agency’s don’t buy allotments
There you go talking about money again. What is it with W$F always boasting how much money they have raised? I guess it’s a distraction from the real results.

I’m glad you brought up that private herd in Texas. What’s the odds anyone besides rich W$F members will able to hunt those sheep one day? 🤣

I would love to hear how much YOU have helped with movi and those grazing allotments. You W$F lovers can’t pass up a chance to pant yourself on the back. So let’s hear it. 🤣

At one time it was high, because it’s like the CO ranching for wildlife program(except TX includes NR). Right now they have cut all tags by 99% so both sides are highly limited.

Like I said you mock WSF or even large private donations but have yet to tell me what you have done… ✔️ I wrote a check to help with TX relocation , and also wrote a check to NM last year, my pat on the back was more then anti -fund raising rhetoric on Rokslide
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