Best if your compass has adjustable declination- and you've actually set it correctly.
This is bad advice, first off as Larry pointed out, it moves each year and second it will be different if you travel to hunt. Always know it and take it into account each time you use it with maps. The only time you really need to know/use it is when you transfer information to or from a map.
OOPS sorry for duplicating the prior post, let me try to respond to Darren again..!
Hi Darren,
With all respect, to broadly disparage adjustable compass declination as "Bad Advice" is a bit of a harsh and narrowly thought out retort. Lucky thing you found that flagging tape ;-) ! Not everyone gets to rely on luck though...
Perhaps if a hunter only plans to navigate without a map and in terrain that one generally know and where roads are reachable, he/she may never need adjustable declination. That said, IMHO it is priceless to have a compass and topo map if one is in serious backcountry (proper declination adjustment is usually footnoted on the map). I also note:
1) A map/compass can be extremely efficient, allowing a hunter or a team of hunters to all simultaneously scan and orient on the same large image, get perspective and reach consensus on current location/destination and potential routes. This is much more efficient than everyone squeezing around a GPS or sharing it and zooming in/out on it and wasting batteries. I, like many hunters, also don't have the luxury of living in elk country with the concomitant ability to quickly access/scout areas and get to know them well. I live on the East Coast. We use maps and aerial photos extensively to chalk-talk and plan our hunts. We backpack hunt and go out for weeks at a time. When I hunt with a team in the backcountry we use maps/aerials a lot.
2) Yes, declination changes a little each year, but it only takes 15 seconds or so to adjust it on a compass. Also, a compass user can choose to use the declination or leave it at zero. If the user doesn't adjust it, then whenever navigating off a map, the hunter must do the math to correct for declination.
3) Custom maps are now broadly and readily available on rip proof, waterproof paper with waterproof ink. They are not terribly expensive and don't have batteries to fail. Failing batteries suck, especially when you're stressing out and turned around in blowdowns, etc in the dark, rain, fog, snow... If one only has to turn one's GPS on
Best to all and I hope the Rokslide staffers set up a Land Navigation section on the site so we can all improve our skills.