Anyone else have a buddy bail at the last minute? (CO Archery Elk 2024)

Oct 22, 2019
Valley Springs, California
Burned 7 points on a Colorado, 2nd season/rifle mule deer tag, passed bucks up every day including a good 24" +, deep forked, 4 point buck with a beautiful cape. Against my better judgement I rode with another dude and with 2 days left in the season he and his buddy pussed out! We had a wall tent camp in the perfect spot and the bucks were getting ruttier every day..................... I ate the tag with 2 days left in the season.

NEVER AGAIN!!!!!! Plan it solo, scout it solo and hunt it solo, there's to much invested in traveling across the West to do it any other way!
Dec 22, 2020
I personally love it when someone dips out on a trip at the last minute. I’ve gotten to take over spots on awesome trips at the last minute when some lameo decided he didn’t like the weather report or couldn’t tear himself away from his desk. Ride the upside!

But seriously, always plan on being by yourself, even when you’re with someone else.


Mar 24, 2021
I'm heading west in a couple days with 2 friends. One I grew up with he is like my brother the other guy I've hunted with quite a bit the last few years. I can already see that they may end up wanting to hunt close to the truck verses Backcountry. I'm flexible as long as we're finding elk. If we're not in them I'll want to go explore some backcountry.


Jan 25, 2024
West Michigan
Like so many others here, I don't have people interested in going at all. That means there's never a chance to flake, but it also means that I don't do a lot of things I'd like to just because I'm not confident in planning and doing the whole thing on my own.

I wish I had found this thread earlier in the season, so I could volunteer my company to those of you who had people drop out this season. Anyone who wants some company is always free to message me. . . I'm single, I stay in good enough shape to survive the rugged country, I always have a bow and a few rifles sighted in, and I love a good adventure!
Oct 21, 2024
I might be a little late to the party but I'm going to throw this out there since this is the most relevant thread I've found.

If there's any Colorado residents looking for a guy to hunt with during their upcoming seasons, or just a contact to pack a load out, then feel free to contact me. I love getting out there to help glass or pack. I already burned my PTO for the year but I'm good for driving out on the weekends.

I know a decent amount of hunters but a lot of them seem to prefer to get hammered at camp or they're goals/timeline is a bit off from mine. BHA seems like a solid group too but It's not always available/accessible. It won't hurt to post here. I've been lurking for years.

A little bit about my background and preferences:

-Suffers from AOH (adult onset hunter)
-Prefer hunting out of a backpack if it makes sense. I'm baffled when folks complain of no sightings when they max out at 1.5 miles
-Based in Golden
-Hunted for three seasons, harvested three seasons. One muley, two bulls. One in the sage, two on the mountain.
-I try to do an ultramarathon a year and do a mix of outdoor recreation
-My goal is to hunt a lot of different ways, but I'm really interested bowhunting