Anyone drawn 114-1 in Wyoming lately?


Jun 4, 2012
Hey All,

Looking for any first hand experience in 114-1 the past couple years. I've heard various reports and just looking for some first hand knowledge or guys who have hunted or been in the area hunting, etc?

Wife and I had planned on drawing a Red Desert unit this year but have heard some bad reports of winter/snow conditions and just making sure we are still making the right choices. I figured with how highly toted 114-1 seems to be by some people (Eastmans, etc) it was worth at least looking at in my research. Not sure how winter conditions were there this year.

Any comments on hunt experience, numbers of critters, and trophy quality would be great. Wife is sitting on 13pts so in a good spot to draw so long as we dont decide to wait due to Covid precautions. The Red Desert has a draw for me to get to experience a hunt there, but figured its good idea to be well prepared with choices!

Thanks for any comments. Feel free to PM if more comfortable.


Dec 15, 2019
I hunted it in 16 if that’s not to far back shoot me a message and I’ll be happy to share my experience.