Anyone Draw MT Moose, Goat, Sheep?

45 years in a row for moose & sheep in Montana and struck out again!!! Took me 33 years to draw a goat tag and never got a goat. Populations tanked in the Bitterroot Mountains near Stevensville and I saw ONE goat from scouting in May until the end of the season in November. Maybe next year!!
45 years in a row for moose & sheep in Montana and struck out again!!! Took me 33 years to draw a goat tag and never got a goat. Populations tanked in the Bitterroot Mountains near Stevensville and I saw ONE goat from scouting in May until the end of the season in November. Maybe next year!!
You live in Stevie? I havent seen any goats on the west side yet

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FWP to fix mistake in moose, big horn sheep draw

HELENA – A mistake in last week’s drawing for some moose and big horn sheep licenses will result in fewer licenses issued than were originally drawn.
The mistake occurred when quotas were incorrectly entered into the drawing system by licensing staff and resulted in more licenses being drawn in some districts than what the quota dictated.
The affected sheep licenses are:​
  • 482-20: drew 20 applicants, but the quota was 15.
  • 482-30: drew 40 applicants, but the quota was five.
  • 622-30: drew 20 applicants, but the quota was 10.
  • 680-31: drew 40 applicants, but the quota was 30.
The affected moose licenses are:​
  • 270-50: drew three applicants, but the quota was two.
  • 332-00: drew eight applicants, but the quota was six.
  • 341-50: drew three applicants, but the quota was two.
“We know this is disappointing for the people affected by this mistake, and we’re very sorry. We are putting the resource first, and here that means following the science for population management and ensuring that we meet hunters’ expectations for a quality hunt,” said FWP Deputy Director Dustin Temple. “In this circumstance, that means pulling back some of the licenses drawn to ensure the health of the sheep and moose populations in these areas.”
During drawings, FWP’s system allocates licenses in order, meaning the system knows which hunter was the first to be drawn, the second, third and so on. Because the drawings are done in this fashion, FWP staff can determine who was mistakenly awarded licenses beyond the appropriate quota.
“This is the fairest way we know to fix this mistake, but it will mean some hunters who thought they were successful in the drawing, will not get a license,” Temple said.
Quota ranges are determined by the Fish and Wildlife Commission. FWP biologists set annual quotas for many species within the ranges approved by the commission. For instance, the commission might approve a quota range for a moose license of 1 to 10. FWP biologists look at numbers on the landscape, as well as other factors, and set a quota of two for that license.
This solution will be implemented as soon as possible. The moose, sheep, goat and bison drawing occurred May 12. Staff realized the error May 16 and put a block on the ability for successful applicants in the affected districts to purchase their license. FWP staff are removing successful applicants based on their place in line in the original drawing. Once the system completes the corrections, the affected hunters will be notified by phone and email, and their MyFWP accounts will be updated. At this point, successful applicants will be able to purchase their licenses.​
There was an out of state hunter LAST YEAR who put in for a ram tag for one of the units up near Thompson Falls. Only thing is the unit is closed for sheep hunting and no tags are allocated for the unit and has been for a couple years at least now. The population is not doing very well. SOMEHOW the Montana system drew him for a ram tag for that area. Well it was his mistake as he put in for a closed unit and it should have been bad on him although as seen from this years mess, Montana screwed up on a smaller scale last year also!

Instead of telling him sorry but you are shit out of luck, they "asked him" if he would accept a tag for another unit not too far away from (100 miles) where he initially applied. Yes that's correct FWP in their infinite wisdom said we'll just give you a ram tag in another unit. No problem that they had already drawn those tags and issued them to the correct recipients!!! He accepted their offer and shot a beautiful ram. Good for him, bad for every one who hoped to get one of these very special permits! They just allocated another ram tag like it just magically happened. No problem if that effects the population in that area or not. The guy screwed up and it should have been on him. In case you are wondering, the unit was the Petty Creek unit west of Missoula which is district 203-20. That is the unit they just decided to pull out of their arsenal and issue another one.

I've put in for 45 years in a row for moose and sheep and never drawn. I might never draw a tag but crap like this from last year, and this years debacle tend to piss a person off. They should make moose, sheep, goat, and bison once in a lifetime tags. No-one deserves to have more than one of these special tags. I am friends with a fellow who has drawn 3 - THREE RAM tags in Montana and shot 3 beautiful sheep. I know another fellow who shot a beautiful ram one year, waited the 7 year wait period, and drew another ram tag the very first year he could apply again. I have more examples of the same. No it won't greatly increase my odds or anyone else's odds to draw one of these amazing tags, but it sure as hell will prevent people from drawing multiple elusive tags. It also does give that poor bugger trying to get their FIRST TAG at least a chance!

Montana FWP needs to get their act together. It seems like every year as of late that some sort of a mess seems to happen.
Moose - NO
Sheep - NO
Goat - NO
Bison - NO I am on a hunt roster where depending on the migration there could be as many as 54 hunters drawn still for this hunt. I am #1471 on the roster!

Bull Elk tag in a special draw area. - NO
Mule Deer Buck tag in a special draw area. - NO

46th year in a row for Moose and Sheep.
Took me 33 years to draw a mountain goat tag. Populations tanked that year and never got a goat. Had a great hunt and loved every minute of it though.