- Joined
- Apr 6, 2020
LOVE the info in this thread. Would it be possible to have contributors to this thread state what state they are encountering these encounters/bites?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
What were the circumstances that lead to getting bit on the forearm?Lots of good stuff here. Been bitten twice by tmbr . rattlers and 1 dog bitten. Dog got a full wet bite and died about 14 hrs. later. My first bite was in the forearm ,it was a wet bite, my arm swelled to the size of my upper leg. My breathing was a little off and my body would not listen to my mind. Like being falling down drunk in your body and sober in your mind. Second bite was pretty much dry . Best advice I can give is stay current on your tetnus shots, you get in way more trouble there most of the time.
Benadryl is for the potential allergic reactions that lead to difficulty breathing so you don't suffocate on the way to the hospital. Its not for the bite itself. I keep benadryl in all my packs - works for spider and scorpion bites too - in terms of risk of allergic reaction. I don't take it unless I need to, obviously. And I wouldn't take it for a snake bite unless I felt like I was having an allergic reaction that impacted my breathing ability.This from Denver Health on Rattle Snake bites what to do, it says NO medication should be given to the victim. Seen this from other health care websites as well.
https://www.denverhealth.org/blog/2017/01/rattlesnake-bite-prevention Wanted to stick with facts and to Colorado
That’s a happy ending. The snake sounds like he had a ride of a lifetim.My life has been pretty snakeless. But -- during a geologic field camp one of the students was kinda chunky and kept sitting down on every rock all of the way up the hill. Near the top of the ridge as he started to sit down a rattlesnake struck him in the butt. Instead of striking flesh, the snake hit him in the wallet and the fangs stuck. As he jumped up the snake wrapped around his leg.
Suddenly he started to scream and took off for the truck almost a mile away. Everytime he jumped a rock, the snake would wrap tighter and he would scream. Everyone could see and hear him all the way to the bottom where he jumped a four strand barbwire. Someplace on the trip the snake fell off. But for the rest of the time on the outcrop he stayed very close to the instuctor and he never sat down on a rock for the rest of the class.
Once in the crawl space under my house. Once climbing a rock face 400 yd. from my house. Lots of snakes back then. 15 to 25 a year within a mile of the house wasnt a big deal .What were the circumstances that lead to getting bit on the forearm?
Haha yea I’ve dealt with them up there and about every river bottom/swamp in West TN. I’ve ran out of shells while brushing blinds and had to use boat paddles.I'll never forget going through a whole box of 12 gauge shells as a kid on cottonmouths. This was during the early wood duck season in Tennessee on the Big Sandy near Paris, TN. I've never been to a place with that many cottonmouths.
I was with my son on a few day hiking trip just a few miles from where this guy got bit last summer. We kept to the paths and didn’t see any rattlesnakes, but there are a lot of them around there. I bought an inreach after talking to locals on that trip.