anyone addicted to energy drinks?

Yeah the headaches are brutal, I've quit before they got better eventually though. I'm not quitting coffee so I should at least be able to manage the headaches with it.
Great thread, been laughing my ass off!

One cup of coffee in the morning for me on the way to work, hardly ever finish it all but I have to have it!
jeez i always wondered how all these energy drink companies could stay in business and to top it all off all there advertising and endorsements. Now i can kinda see why lol people get addicted.I always imagined teens were the only ones that sucked them down playing video games all night.

BTW i maybe drink 3 to 5 a year and coffee only when its darn cold and limit myself to one cup. But DIet Mt Dew i am trying to kick the habit. Been doing pretty good 3-4 cans a week.
I quit the monsters for the most part after I was done sitting in boring classes all day. Mtn Dew I have a cycle, quit/start up again/cut-back because quitting didnt work, get carried away, then quit again.

Only have a monster once in a while, but I made mistake of trying the pink lemonade rehab, might just be my new favorite drink. Damn.
Never been into the energy drinks. Coffee..... now that's a weakness. I recently cut back from 10 cups to 2 cups per day as part of my training and fitness efforts. One I got past the headaches and rehydrated myself, I don't need as much.

As for a substitute for energy drinks, I have used Advocare Spark. It is good.
I have been drinking 1-2 monsters daily for about the last year. I finally decided enough was enough last week and kicked it. I have drank pop my entire life and had switched from dr. pepper to monsters. I have quick both a couple of times to help lose weight, and always have had to deal with the headaches for a couple weeks. I have been having one big glass of sweet tea mid day right before the headache usually hits to get a dose of caffeine and keep the head aches at bay. I will quit that in about two weeks as well. It is amazing how much weight you can lose when you quit drinking pop/monsters/sweet tea and drink the daily amount of recommended water!
I have 1 more Red bull in the fridge that I will drink in the morning, then I'm done. I gave up pop a few months ago, and Red bull is my last vice. It's going to feel great once the brutal headaches go away. Wish me luck.
I have 1 more Red bull in the fridge that I will drink in the morning, then I'm done. I gave up pop a few months ago, and Red bull is my last vice. It's going to feel great once the brutal headaches go away. Wish me luck.

the headaches are not worth suffering through. go buy yourself a $5 bottle of nodoze pills, i believe each tab is 100mg of caffeine. break a tab in half making it 50mg, and take one a day for 3 to 7 days depending on how severe your addiction, and possibly every other day for a couple more. this is the easiest way i have to found to quit without suffering. in the past i would try to just slowly cut back my energy drink or pop intake slowly until i could quit without headaches, but that encourages you to keep drinking it because it tastes good. so half of a nodoze tab=no headaches and you're not tempting yourself with the flavor of your drink of choice
I drink Pure Leaf green tea when I need a little pick up during the day. Nothing like coffee or energy drinks but it is at least a little healthy and tastes good. I do drink about two cups of coffee in the AM sometimes more. It is my only vice now. I quit Skoal last year after an on and off again habit since I was 15. I am now 36. I'll occasionally have a red bull or Monster but I know the addiction potential is there so I tread carefully! ;)
By definition I am not addicted. I can quit anytime I want.

I have been working graves for 12 straight years. Three kids, ages 5-13. Wife is a fill time student and works part time. Can't afford daycare/baby sitters, and really aren't interesred in them. So I work 10 hours a shift, Friday-Monday, court days are usually on my days off. Oldest brat in private school, middle one on deck. Youngest is in Pre-K, with class from 1100-1430. Two days a week I am lucky to hit 3-4 hours of sleep. Days off I have to be like a normal person, up from 0530-2230. As I type this I have been up for 24.5 straight hours, with two cardio workouts averaging 35 minutes each, I am scheduled to be fasting, but my diet stuff got out of wack th elast week or so. So metric tons of salsa and canned chicken, and kale salad.

I have 0-3 energy drinks a day, plus coffee and tea on my days off. In college I was worried about a potential alcohol problem, and quit cold turkey for 8 weeks. No problems. I do the same thing with caffene once or twice a year. I don't seem to get withdrawl symptoms from alcohol or caffene.

Where in the hell are you guys finding the Pink Lemonade rehabs at? When I find those I may be in trouble...

Sam's club is th only place I have found them. 12/$15.00. Not bad, but much prefer the green tea and orange aide ones. Ultimate zero works well on fasting days. Zero calories but much tastier than their original zero calorie offering.

I started on Red Bull, driving to and from work. I work away from home for 8 days then have 7 off. In a 12 hour day of driving i'd be all over 3 or 4 of them, and then started drinking them for breakfast, then once in awhile for lunch. Did that that for about 6 years then gave up the MTN Dew. Ya, I was drinking a alot of MTN Dew as well. And then about three years ago, I couldn't quit shaking, which for a welder is a problem. Went to a Dr. and found out I had developed Hyper Thyroidism, possibly, and probably due to excessively caffineated, and other artificial crap filled drinks. Now I take a pill every single day to keep my thyroid in check. Stop drinking them. They suck.