Monster, nectar of the Gods.
Monster, nectar of the Gods.
Does black coffee count as an energy drink?
If so, then yes I am addicted.
ok well we officially all have a problem, at least im not the only one....
i wont be trying endorush or ill probably get addicted to that too.
I drank Redline before, but it wasn't strong enough, so I switched to methamphetamine's, but that didn't do it either....so I ended up with Endorush
You guys on this board are making me feel like I'm Mormon or something, No Copenhagen, No coffee, NEVER had an energy drink...........
The other morning I left my rockstar on the coffee table in the living room while I took care of a few things on the computer. My wife yells at me several minutes later. " hunny. Did you finish your rockstart?!" I said "no I left it on the table" she replied " look at your daughter!" Can was bottoms up and she was the happiest 14 month old in the world! She blazed right past her normal 10:00 nap and come the afternoon she crashed hard. One of those forgetful moments. There into everything at this age.
I'm absolutely addicted, I'm guaranteed to have at least one a day, usually two, and lately I've been having three a few times a week. And damn, people say chew and cigs are expensive, ten bucks a day on energy drinks is brutal. I'm halfway through a giant red bull as I type this. I'm quitting after this one though, I want new running shoes and should save enough in about a month without them to justify it. That and there's a lot of health problems caused by them, especially with how many I've been drinking.