Anybody watch state of the union?

Trump gave your money to corporate America! Get a clue. Trumps version of socialism is tax everyone and give it to the rich. Don’t be bamboozled.

Give me one example of Trump giving MY money to corporate America.

The latest data shows that the top 1% in America paid 39% of ALL the income taxes paid into the treasury. Take a look at what the bottom 50% actually contributed. (n) Stop falling for the leftist propaganda. The rich are paying way more than their share.
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Give me one example of Trump giving MY money to corporate America.

One? Here you go. I’m sure this is just “fake news” right?
BTW I never said “rich.” I said corporate America.

Just because your taxes went down doesn’t mean you’re not paying for corporate America’s tax cuts.

Business Insider. Surely they aren’t fake?

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Trump gave your money to corporate America! Get a clue. Trumps version of socialism is tax everyone and give it to the rich. Don’t be bamboozled.

Thats weird because my taxes went down and my bring home check went up. Everyone I talked to said the same.

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We are a small business with employees numbering under 10, the amount of write off dollars was incredible this year and allowed us to purchase some updated equipment that we would not have been able to under the last administration.
100% pro small business. Which in turn allows us to reward our employees that fall in the middle to lower class category.
Give me one example of Trump giving MY money to corporate America.

The latest data shows that the top 1% in America paid 39% of ALL the income taxes paid into the treasury. Take a look at what the bottom 50% actually contributed. (n) Stop falling for the leftist propaganda. The rich are paying way more than their share.
Let’s do some math.

Let’s say you earn 100 million annually and pay 10% in taxes. That’s 10 million dollars.

Let’s say you earn 100,000 annually and you pay the same 10%. That’s 10 thousand dollars.

Of course higher incomes will have more contributed. It’s simple math.
One? Here you go. I’m sure this is just “fake news” right? BTW I never said “rich.” I said corporate America.

Just because your taxes went down doesn’t mean you’re not paying for corporate America’s tax cuts.

Cutting the corporate tax rate doesn't "give" my money to the corporations.

And you absolutely said "rich"........"Trumps version of socialism is tax everyone and give it to the rich. Don’t be bamboozled."

My taxes didn't go down. Did you research what the bottom 50% paid into the Treasury yet???

I’ll leave this here. Even trump said it.

I’ll admit the guy is genius. Created Ravenous supporters that ignore facts and believe lies. Pretty amazing.
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I’ll leave this here. Even trump said it.

Ya, of we all have. Have you looked at your retirement accounts since he took office? Is there anyone out there that's worse off since Trump took office due to his policies? I also saw a poll yesterday that said 90% of respondents were very satisfied with their lives today. That's unheard of.

And I really don't understand this hate for the rich from so many. There will always be someone with more money than you........get over it. Envy, coveting, and hate have never been considered "good" qualities.
Ya, of we all have. Have you looked at your retirement accounts since he took office? Is there anyone out there that's worse off since Trump took office due to his policies? I also saw a poll yesterday that said 90% of respondents were very satisfied with their lives today. That's unheard of.

And I really don't understand this hate for the rich from so many. There will always be someone with more money than you........get over it. Envy, coveting, and hate have never been considered "good" qualities.

No one hates you. Let’s face it the economy is not working for most people. Trump touts wage growth but that’s not due to him. It’s due to states increasing minimum wage, which he opposes. But like a lot of things, he will take credit for it. And we’ve been in a 10 year recovery, which he also takes credit for. Let’s not forget 2007, That ride will not last forever.

No one hates you. Let’s face it the economy is not working for most people. Trump touts wage growth but that’s not due to him. It’s due to states increasing minimum wage, which he opposes. But like a lot of things, he will take credit for it. And we’ve been in a 10 year recovery, which he also takes credit for. Let’s not forget 2007, That ride will not last forever.

We weren't talking about me, we were talking about the "rich" which it's obvious a lot of people love to hate.

As for the rest of what you're saying.........just because it's legal, doesn't mean you have to smoke it. Wow!
Soooo, should Trump not give states the right to raise minimum wage in their state? If they already raised minimum wage in their state, do you want him to give them another raise? It is really too bad that so many people think minimum wage jobs are careers. Their parents failed them. To say that the economy is not working for most is an outright lie. Maybe my circle is too small, but everyone I know, is far better off now than they were 3 years ago. Is it 100% trump?, no, but a lot of it is. I get it, people HATE to give the other side any credit. You can not like the man, but to say he has accomplished nothing and the economy is worse is factually untrue.
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Give me one example of Trump giving MY money to corporate America.

The latest data shows that the top 1% in America paid 39% of ALL the income taxes paid into the treasury. Take a look at what the bottom 50% actually contributed. (n) Stop falling for the leftist propaganda. The rich are paying way more than their share.

He’s talking about all these companies that pay people a salary and got a slight tax break while their employer got a break to be on more equal ground with the rest of the worlds Corp tax rates. Maybe he should actually read the tax law and how it pertains to corporations, the only ones not paying taxes are the ones that make no money but that shouldn’t matter right, they are evil companies that employ people, I mean what value do these companies add, it’s not like they have been hiring people.
What is the end result when you cut taxes and increase spending? Certainly isn’t GDP growth. Any insights on what the model of cutting revenue and increasing spending looks like long term?
What a surprise! When confronted with facts it devolves to personal attacks! Just like Trump.

By facts you mean propaganda spewed vomit of ultra liberal “news” sources.

So you had to take it personal because you couldn’t convince anyone to believe this garbage. Pretty typical of all of those on the left.

I hate how politics have become so extreme. Why do we have to hate a person because he’s a republican or Democrat. Trump is doing good things for our country, I truly believe that.

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What a surprise! When confronted with facts it devolves to personal attacks! Just like Trump.

That wasn't a personal attack, that was advice. As for your "facts"........are you getting those "facts" from CNN? You can keep your facts, most of us prefer reality.

The only people that this economy is not working for, are those on welfare and the cuts that Trump has made to that.......i.e.......those that refuse to work. As for the minimum wage increases that have been made LAW in certain states.......what's going to happen when the economic cycle turns and the economy can't support those $15+ an hour wages for high school workers? People will get fired until the business can still stay in the black and stay open. When they have to fire enough employees to stay in the black and then can't function.......they'll close up shop. That's why you allow the free market to determine wages. That way they can go up.........and down, when needed. are your retirement funds doing?
Depends... If everyone is making more money but paying a lower percentage on that money, it could be a wash for the gov't.. Example- 30% of $100,000 vs 24% of $130,000. 30k in taxes vs. $31,200. Not exact #'s, but you get the idea. More jobs here, more income here.
Ya, of we all have. Have you looked at your retirement accounts since he took office? Is there anyone out there that's worse off since Trump took office due to his policies? I also saw a poll yesterday that said 90% of respondents were very satisfied with their lives today. That's unheard of.

And I really don't understand this hate for the rich from so many. There will always be someone with more money than you........get over it. Envy, coveting, and hate have never been considered "good" qualities.

For those that have high enough paying jobs to have retirement accounts....

Pretty tough to save money for retirement when your job barely pays enough to cover the basics, you know, thing like food, clothing, shelter, heat.

Ask your friends and family to be honest...see how many save $19,500 per year (max by law) into their 401K's.

The average median household retirement savings:

AgeAmount Saved

That tells me a couple things:

1. People aren't coming close to maxing out the Federal maximum retirement savings, mostly due to the high cost of housing, food, clothing, heat, fuel, vehicles, etc. etc. combined with lower wages and lack of buying power for the dollars you do make. When your paycheck is just high enough to cover the basic expenses, tough to save much for retirement.

2. Even though you're touting these huge "gains" in retirement accounts...the average mean household amount they have splashing around in the various stock investments, doesn't amount to jack shit.

Plus, those huge gains can just as easily go right down the crapper (with no blame or praise to either political party, because there are lots of things out of the control of any politician/political party in regard to markets).