Anybody experience “Christmas Toes” what did you do?

Been dealing with it for three weeks post Colorado elk hunt with over 120 miles of trekking. I just assumed it was my peripheral neuropathy spreading. Middle three toes on right foot numb and tingling.
Going barefoot or wearing flip flops as much as possible helped me

I had a 6 month period where I had no feeling in both feet, but the feeling came back in both feet
My wife rubs my toes every night, seems to be helping. Yeah I know I’m spoiled haha

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By the end of Jan, duck season, I usually have a few numb ones, a few missing toe nails...and at least on nasty ingrown toenail that i have to operate on. It usually corrects itself by end of Aug...My wife made a comment the other day that she is surprised its Oct all my toes still have nails....LOL
what are you doing “wrong” to regularly lose toenails? Never have lost one and do hunt hard and a lot.
2-4 months is usually how long it takes for mine to go away too.

For a while I thought I this was something that only I experienced as none of my buddies who I hunt with had the issue. It wasn’t until recently I leaned from the thread below that this is somewhat common amongst. Western hunters.

I too get this. I cycle through several pairs of boots and did find that merino toe socks seem to help. I wear toe socks when I hunt and it seems to not be as prevalent this year.
Dealing with this ATM. My socks were likely too thick for my boots or there is a pinched nerve in my foot Maybe both?

Its been almost 4 weeks since the hunt ended. Nerves are very slow to come back
what kind of footwear are you wearing?

Hunting? Or at home? I’m assuming at home. I go barefooted ALOT around the house and outside. Idk why other than I just did it a lot as a kid and never quit. I also work from home so I don’t have to wear work boots or dress shoes or other restrictive footwear 🤣
Hunting? Or at home? I’m assuming at home. I go barefooted ALOT around the house and outside. Idk why other than I just did it a lot as a kid and never quit. I also work from home so I don’t have to wear work boots or dress shoes or other restrictive footwear 🤣
Glad to hear it my dude!! Living the dream! Yeah, however I was curious about the footgear you use on your elk hunting trips. (you mentioned you get the xmas toes effect on every elk hunt)
I just ordered some new boots which I may take on my late season hunt in November. If I can break them in before the hunt I’ll take them and see if they keep my feet warmer and don’t make reduce circulation in my toes and feet.
Glad to hear it my dude!! Living the dream! Yeah, however I was curious about the footgear you use on your elk hunting trips. (you mentioned you get the xmas toes effect on every elk hunt)

It’s varied lol I’ve worn lowa tibets, Solomon quests, crispi wyomings…. And now I’m in hanwag alverstones.

The biggest help for me was sizing up. Mine usually came from downhilling and your toes jamming into the front of your boots. I definitely haven’t had it near as bad the last few years as I did early on.
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Fun little name they gave it. I hope your feet get better soon. That sounds irritating.
I experienced this after a Wyoming elk hunt 3 weeks ago. I just assumed it was something to do with the miles put in, but cool to see it's a pretty common thing. It's pretty much totally resolved now.
what are you doing “wrong” to regularly lose toenails? Never have lost one and do hunt hard and a lot.
Nothing wrong...My feet are narrow and big toe is not the longest toe so fit is a compromise...I hate bristers never notice the toe nails till they fall off..and they don't bother me.