Supply can go up and down as well as demand and they effect each other.
If there is a demand for more workers then more workers have to come. The unemployment rate as of 5/21 was 2.8% in UT. I am sure you are aware that 0% is not thought to even be attainable and that 2.8% is even below what many consider full employment. Simply paying more will not fill the
I think you are saying that if EVERY ABLE bodied, working age person in Utah was working and there was 0% unemployment, workers from outside of Utah would be required? Not necessarily, businesses could close. However, yes you would draw more workers to Utah. This is happening. Utah is drawing many workers from California who can't afford to live in California to Utah at a lower wage and much lower cost of living. What you are saying is like each state, like Utah and town like Ketchum is in a bubble and no one else from anywhere else is the country will come and fill the ranks, so immigrants, right, you didn't say illegals are required. I understand your point, but disagree. A good buddy told me the farmers 100 miles east of me need cheap immigrant labor or a head of lettuce will be $100 a head!! I said if lettuce becomes $100 a head, people won't buy it, or someone will invent a way of mechanically harvesting it with little labor. I am got guaranteed cheap produce or restaurants or other places that require cheap labor. I believe technology will soon solve our cheap labor problems. Freedom isn't free and no one owes anyone anything, except peace freedom and liberty.