Questions About SW Colorado Vacation Plans


Sep 16, 2016
St. Louis
Hey guys,

My wife and I will be taking a trip out to SW Colorado in late September-early October. Our plans include visiting Black Canyon, Mesa Verde, Great Sand Dunes NPs, some hiking, including Mt Uncompaghre, as well as some other activities. Also, we’ll drive a fair amount of the Alpine Loop (we have a stock, 2023 4Runner). We’re crossing our fingers and hoping that there won’t be snow at the higher elevations that would impact our plans. Anyway, for those of you who live in the region or are familiar with it, I have a few questions relating to our plans.

First, is it necessary to air down our 4Runner’s tires ahead of driving Nellie Creek Road and the Alpine Loop? If so, what psi would you air down to?

Second, I’m aware of the Highway 50 Blue Mesa Ridge closure; does anyone know of official word regarding how long it will be closed? If it’s still closed in late September, we’ll definitely have to adjust and travel a different route, which will add time to our drives.

We will be camping a couple of the nights but also spend nights in town in Lake City, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs. Any recommendations for eateries?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks, I did check that out. It hits a couple of the towns we'll be in.

Probably more importantly, I'd like feedback on the airing down the tires concept for those backcountry roads, Nellie Creek and the Alpine Loop.

Anyone have any experience on driving those and whether airing down is needed?
The hwy 50 bridge is reopening slowly. They are allowing traffic a couple hours morning and afternoon. I think by September it’ll be fully open.

I wouldn’t mess with airing down unless you have a very good compressor.
It does help, but I’ve also seen guys smoke a cheap compressor airing back up.
In Pagosa Springs for food....Colorado Roadhouse, Riff Raff on the Rio, and Moutain Pizza and Tap Room are all places I've been. All good food - to me.

If you are there for a small lunch or just don't feel like a "restaurant" - the Malt Shoppe is a decent little place right on the river.

Good time to be there too....have a good trip.
Deflating your tires to 16 psi (no lower) will certainly help comfort on the Alpine Loop,. There's a good gas station in Silverton that provides free air, so you can air back up again.

The Lost Cajun in Pagosa Springs is really good. They have some of the best gumbo I've had, and I grew up in Southeast Texas.
Deflating your tires to 16 psi (no lower) will certainly help comfort on the Alpine Loop,. There's a good gas station in Silverton that provides free air, so you can air back up again.

The Lost Cajun in Pagosa Springs is really good. They have some of the best gumbo I've had, and I grew up in Southeast Texas.
The short lived Lost cajun restaurant that opened in Glenwood was crummy cajun food. Same chain as the pagosa restaurant.