Nice work on the bedding OP. I can say that my first attempt at bedding a rifle, which was my M77, did not look that good!
If you really like the 308 in that platform, you could always build a second rifle in 6mm. I agree every safe should have a 308 but the 6mm are just so much fun to shoot. I’ll leave you with this though, that would be one bad rifle with a 6mm barrel in a 3 or 3b profile!
Appreciate it! I read up on a few good resources for bedding and just made sure to take my time. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, but it definitely took longer than I planned.
Still have a few eventual to-do's. With lower rings, the scallop ridge on the bolt will need to be filed down to clear the bell of most scopes, definitely the SWFAs, so I'll likely just polish the entire bolt handle to make it look nice.
I plan to bed the barrel channel with a 0.03" gap to balance best "looks" with decent pressure clearance. I'll do that after I re-barrel.
If I'm feeling really spicy, while I'm at that I may remove the finish on the outside of the stock, cut off and add a real ebony forend tip, and refinish with oil.
Honestly the trigger on this rifle is pretty darn good. Feels like my Tikka, just a hair heavier. Not sure if I'll fork over the cash to have it worked on....depends on how much it impresses me when I'm all done.
And I agree, it would be a pretty sweet rifle in 6mm. I'm a little hesitant to put a somewhat short lifespan barrel onto a rifle that I need someone to properly chamber and headspace, which is the only issue. Not that I plan on shooting out many 6 creeds, but a Tikka that requires simple tools and a prefit is much more attractive...but then I have the expense of another rifle and tools as well. All the work I've done has been relatively low-cost, just when I have time here or there.
A 2b or 3 would be sweet, I'm just a bit limited on profile by the stock. It's the ultralight model that's trimmed up a bit. A #2 Pacnor will fit with very narrow top rails toward the front, where a #1 would still be larger than the stock barrel and would look more attractive.
I'll come back to this thread with pics when all that happens!