Any other pilots?

Yep. You?
10 years in 16s, last 9 in 35s. Working on my apps right now and trying to figure out what the hell to do. I had planned on SWA or Delta and trying to get to ID or MT. That plan didn’t survive first contact with COVID. Outside of Vegas, I don’t think I’ve ever seen fortunes swing so quickly and drastically. I’m working my UPS/FEDEX apps at the moment and looking at other options to stay flying. Maybe try and get a retired reserve gig and work a side hustle until every thing settles down.
Sorry for the short answer earlier. I fly Air Ambulance. It’s a great choice for hunters and outdoor people. The schedules are usually similar to a fire fighter’s. I work three 12hr shifts per week. I’ve been here long enough now that I work my 3 shifts together. Sun-Mon-Tues night shifts and off for 4. An extra shift makes 48 hrs = 8 hrs at overtime.

To the original question. No, I have never flown in to hunt. I like the idea though.
I don’t own a plane, so for me, it’s pretty expensive!
I’m kicking around the idea though. It would add a great element of adventure.


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Where are you based?
10 years in 16s, last 9 in 35s. Working on my apps right now and trying to figure out what the hell to do. I had planned on SWA or Delta and trying to get to ID or MT. That plan didn’t survive first contact with COVID. Outside of Vegas, I don’t think I’ve ever seen fortunes swing so quickly and drastically. I’m working my UPS/FEDEX apps at the moment and looking at other options to stay flying. Maybe try and get a retired reserve gig and work a side hustle until every thing settles down.
Good luck, man. I’ve been at UPS about 2 and a half years. We’re going to continue hiring through 2021 and FedEx will as well.
Good luck, man. I’ve been at UPS about 2 and a half years. We’re going to continue hiring through 2021 and FedEx will as well.
I’ve got a lot of buddies at UPS and I’m pretty sure I can get an interview. FedEX, I know a few guys but they have all burned their recommendation and I’ll probably go into that process without one. I’m working on my logbook and apps right now. Are you in Louisville or do you commute?
I'm currently training for my private out of KABI (Abilene, Texas). After driving to Colorado on a scouting trip this past summer, and failing to convince my wife we need to move to the mountains, I decided a needed a faster way to get there. I started taking lessons in September and flew my first solo cross country yesterday (which was awesome). I don't see the Frank Church anywhere in my near future...but coming from Abilene, just getting to a mountain town with my backpack is backcountry flying for me.
I have a good friend with his pilot's license. He talked me into riding with him one day this past summer in his Cessna 172. I wish i wouldn't have done it!! I have 3 hours on my log book now and all i can think about is flying a plane. I'm in the process of building a house right now so that dream will have to wait. I'm jealous of you guys.

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Not Montana or Idaho but we do some flying. I don’t think I’d remember what to do in hot/high places. For years it was the family pickup truck, now we have the state ferry. Not nearly as much fun as it used to be, for me anyway. Cost has become burdensome and I guess some of us feel like we’ve used it all up if you know what I mean. We’ve downsized to Experimental /Light Sport, but we use a boat more these days, haha.

We can fly and hunt same day for blacktail, but we really have to pick our days. I believe fly and trap same day is also legal but I’ve never gotten into it.
Have been a private pilot for close to twenty years. been fortunate enough to own a few different bush planes over the years. pa11 pa18 and my favorite super bushmaster which i had on both tundra and floats allowing me access to some incredible sheep areas. my introduction to flying came from a friend who flew into my sheep camp on a high lake. it took him about an hour flight. It took me 6 days with my horses to get there Well that peaked my curiosity got me wondering if I could get a license . I took an introduction flight and i was hooked. Now have around 2000 hrs of flight time
I started on a license 20 years ago, and didn't finish it. At the time, I felt like I couldn't afford to fly regularly enough to be safe.

I've got the itch big time again. Rather than jump back into it, I've been putting together a fairly decent flight sim to try to relearn as much as I can and to see if my interest holds. Hopefully, if I stick with it, the time learning in the sim will make time in the plane more valuable. The sims are pretty tremendous these days. Not for everything but a lot of the procedural stuff and the basics. If I do decide to get my ticket(s), I'll buy a cheap plane vs rent.
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Not a pilot but I did get to fly the Collings Foundation dual control P51 Mustang a couple years ago. Got to fly it for pretty much the whole flight other than takeoff and landing. Got to learn how to do a barrel roll. I highly recommend spending the money on flying one of these at least once in your life.

My current job is flying Britten Norman Islanders, aka the flying Land Rover. It's a rugged bushplane but the closest I get to putting it through the paces is landing on our 1700 foot grass runway. I can usually get it stopped in half that distance at 6200 lb gross. Really want to move to Alaska someday soon and fly floats there. After 8000 hours total and 8500 Islander landings, I am ready for something new.
Guard UH-60 guy here. It’s not a bad gig, but I could do without the year long deployments. I love flying though. It’s a “part time” thing for me and I’d like to keep it that way. It’s a fickle business and you never know when Murphy will show up and end your career unexpectedly

Would love to switch to the Air Guard (should’ve done that from the get go) but I’m not sure the wife would tolerate the required training to transition.

Once I get my FD pension I’d love to move out west or to AK and start flying civilian to supplement my retirement.
I was reading the ‘flying into the Frank’ thread and was wondering if there are any other pilots on here. I have been active in GA in the past, but really want to get back into it since I moved to NW Montana a year and a half ago. I would love to get a backcountry airplane and take advantage of some of the remote spots in Montana and Idaho for hunting and fishing. Anyone on here do this sort of thing? I’m sure there’s some Alaska residents that do, but would like to hear from some lower 48 people as well.
I do what you’re talking about. We use our Skywagon in ID and AK to access more remote areas. It adds a lot of $$ and complexity if done properly. If done improperly, it can quickly ruin your day. My take on it is do it because you love flying, not fishing or hunting. Otherwise there’s a tendency to cut corners, which can be seen in annual statistics. Still, it’s an awesome feeling to shut down along a river or in a meadow somewhere and realize you’re the only one around for miles.

If you’re serious about jumping in, look up Perry Brown in Kalispell for backcountry flight familiarization. He’s been the game warden up there for decades and their regional pilot, plus teaches on the side. Great guy.

Also, check out Amy Hoover and Dick Williams’s recent book on backcountry and mountain ops. It’s the best on the topic to come out for years.
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Got my license in 1996 and sealed my fate for a life of poverty! :-)
Currently have a Piper Saratoga as I have a wife and 3 kids. It's not as fun as a Super Cub or C180 but it is very comfortable and relatively fast.
Not yet. I started my hours a couple years ago under a good friend using his plane but then he ended up moving to Bethel. My brother is a comm pilot with his CFI. He’s trying to move up but Covid is obviously messing with that plan. Once he moves up I’ll start towards mine again!
Let me know when you do! :D