Analysis Paralysis! Help me with a suppressor decision please

I wanted an Ultra 7 for so long and got tired of never finding them in stock. When I heard comparable reviews between Ultra 7's and the Scythe, I picked up a Scythe and just brought it home yesterday. There are now known issues with some Scythe owners on this thread but I'm still excited for it and think it will make a great can. We will see if I have any problems with it.
Magnus s or even better imo s rr. Great to good enough suppression for hunting. Better recoil mitigation than the listed for either the s or s rr. Pay the premium. You marry your suppressor.
Or get an ab raptor if you just wanna be happy and can live with the fact that shes not a 10. But shes not crazy. Shes a solid 7.5, lets you go hunting and treats you right. Balance.

I do freelance marketing if the AB boys are on this thread..
I have a Raptor 10 as my first can. 3" reflex. It's quiet for sure. If I had to do it over again I'd get an 8 with a 3" reflex and itd be hard to beat. I also have a Scythe, wolfhunter (enticer sti in 6mm), and a few others.

Personally I don't give a shit that it looks like a big dong hanging on the end of my rifle. Get a cover for it if it bothers you. I end up using my wolfhunter most because I've been shooting a lot of 6mm and it's super impressive as well for what it is. I like the shorter cans for hunting and use the AB at the range mostly.

If you go AB. Research the different reflex diameters. If you have any heavy barrels, you need the larger ID reflex and I'd recommend that one for most people unless you run sporter barrels on everything.
What do you shoot it on and how do you like it? 3" reflex?
Honestly it’s been a while since I shot w the reflex, had to take it off in order to use on a thicker barreled rifle. I bought a vice last week to aid getting the flush cap off, will try this weekend and report back. Have used on .223/6.5CM/.308win/22CM/7PRC w out reflex, it’s the best sounding and recoil reducing of my 3 cans, AB warthog/JK armament being the others
I have the ultra 7, scythe, banish 30 and the DD LTI. Out of the 4, I shoot the ultra 7 the most. I’m only using my scythe on 7.5 creedmoor rifles so hopefully it holds together. I’ve only shot the LTI like 10 times, it was an impulse buy due to the short wait times, I should have gotten the STI. The banish 30…..just skip those all together.
Really like my AB Raptor 8 with 5” reflex!!
Doesn’t bother me at all that it appears ribbed for pleasure. Would probably still run it if it were pink with dicks on it (would definitely get a cover!). Has great suppression and great tone.