An etiquette question

Arizona has a hunt every week, may find one weekend in the fall without a draw hunt going on. Most hunting is on public land. Will also have hikers, target shooters, fishermen in areas.

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When someone has to ask if they are being an ahole. . . of course they are.

With an entire lake you have to fish next to me? An entire expanse of sagebrush and you need to look for antelope near me? A nice relaxing trailhead and you need to sight your rifle in here?

Don’t be a dick and people won’t treat you like one.
When someone has to ask if they are being an ahole. . . of course they are.

With an entire lake you have to fish next to me? An entire expanse of sagebrush and you need to look for antelope near me? A nice relaxing trailhead and you need to sight your rifle in here?

Don’t be a dick and people won’t treat you like one.
I’m not talking about barging in and invading someone’s area, the premise was “you can’t shoot a shotgun during elk season because it might effect my elk hunt by making them quiet and you should find some other time to hunt grouse that’s not during my elk season”

This also wasn’t me grouse hunting, it was someone commenting on my buddies picture of him grouse hunting during elk season
I’m not talking about barging in and invading someone’s area, the premise was “you can’t shoot a shotgun during elk season because it might effect my elk hunt by making them quiet and you should find some other time to hunt grouse that’s not during my elk season”

This also wasn’t me grouse hunting, it was someone commenting on my buddies picture of him grouse hunting during elk season
What’s different between shooting rocks or shooting grouse, or sighting in a rifle, or blasting through a box of 9mm? It’s a free country and public land bla bla bla.

For guys who have struggled to draw a tag and have spent thousands of hard earned dollars just to get there, especially older hunters that are limited in how far off the road they can get, it seems like a dick move to hunt nearby birds during archery seasons. I don’t know where all these easy going elk hunters that wouldn’t be pissed off, but I’ve never met one.

What the hell is wrong with people to not know how to act around others?
Arizona has a hunt every week, may find one weekend in the fall without a draw hunt going on. Most hunting is on public land. Will also have hikers, target shooters, fishermen in areas.
Blue grouse in AZ are so few and far between that hunting them likely won't disturb anyone. Many years ago I hunted them but not so much anymore.
it seems like a dick move to hunt nearby birds during archery seasons.

I’ve spent a lot of money and time training my bird dogs. Working them in the mountains for grouse and chukars is every bit as important to me as someone going elk hunting.

Knowing how to act around others includes realizing priorities maybe vastly different and respecting someone’s choice to do things differently than you might.
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What’s different between shooting rocks or shooting grouse, or sighting in a rifle, or blasting through a box of 9mm? It’s a free country and public land bla bla bla.

For guys who have struggled to draw a tag and have spent thousands of hard earned dollars just to get there, especially older hunters that are limited in how far off the road they can get, it seems like a dick move to hunt nearby birds during archery seasons. I don’t know where all these easy going elk hunters that wouldn’t be pissed off, but I’ve never met one.

What the hell is wrong with people to not know how to act around others?
Wow !
Some folks could care less about elk and for them the grouse hunt may be once in a lifetime.
You may need to learn how to act around others it seems.
I know lots of guys who don’t care about an elk at all but who would be all over shooting grouse.

If it’s public land, whatever is open is fair game. Just because you drew your tag for any species, doesn’t make you anymore important in the area. That’s part of the play on any sort of public ground. I bow hunted public in Missouri and ran into quail or rabbit guys and they would often point me in a direction they saw some nice deer as they didnt care one bit about a deer.
I don’t hunt archery and if the grouse season is open I’m going. Fall is too short to be concerned if I may hurt someone’s feels. Granted I tend to move to the next trail if I find a truck at the parking spot. You beat me there it’s your spot.
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I use a suppressed 22lr pistol for this exact reason. Nobody knows what I am doing unless they see me doing it or I tell them I am doing it. Win win for everyone.
What's your setup and what does it weigh? I want to find something worth carrying for grouse when muzzy hunting with the family. I usually shoot them with my bow, but this year I didn't have a tag and wasn't carrying it.
My dad was actually helped out by a grouse hunter one year. He arrowed a bull and we both knew it was a good shot (20yards). But we could not find it. Guy camped next to us was a retired and just hunting grouse with his dogs. Dad said I will show where we saw grouse if you wouldn't mind walking your dogs into the area he stuck his bull. The dogs ran to the bull instantly at a dead sprint. I had walked 40 yards from that bull. It died next to a blown over tree with its head in the root wad.

But I have also had negative experiences with young beer drinking grouse hunters. But in the end they have just as much right to be there as i do.

I’ve spent a lot of money and time training my bird dogs. Working them in the mountains for grouse and chukars is every bit as important to me as someone going elk hunting.

Knowing how to act around others includes realizing priorities maybe vastly different and respecting someone’s choice to do things differently than you might.
If you think I’m the only one that thinks it’s a poor choice, when I don’t even have a horse in this race as a rifle only hunter, you will be surprised to discover elk hunters in some drainages aren’t as nice about it. Nobody in our family would ever do it and I can’t think of anyone I know being misguided enough to do it.