As a college kid from South Carolina, I honestly think the cheapest way you can start into western hunting is to do a summer 4-5 day backpacking trip somewhere. This will force you to get the gear needed, which is a direct overlap for hunting. Also you won't have to worry about $8-900 tag and you'll get an immense level of experience under your belt by just being out in the backcountry for 4 days, which will teach you where your gear is deficient, what you need to do better, teach you about mountain travel, teach you about the mental aspect of the backcountry, physical aspect. Also teach you about national forest lands, nf roads, trails. Teach you about the correlation between looking at a map and real life.
Take a year and just plan to get out west and get into the backcountry without spending/wasting any money on a tag. There's so much support stuff to learn before actually trying to fill a tag. Even if you wanted to do more of a basecamp hunting style, getting out west to basecamp and then cover ground each day is going to teach you a ton without the pressure of that expensive tag in your pocket.