remember.. she controls half the money & all the ....
Unless there are complications, newborns are easy to care for. A lot of women (and men) want whatever facebook glory they can get from being the heroic and exhausted new parents and it sets this terrible expectation that caring for a newborn will destroy you physically and mentally.
I do agree with the comments that after the birth she will calm down and be more likely to agree with you going hunting. Continue planning your hunts and be open about it. Also be clear that you are prepared to cancel the trip if you are needed at home.
For what it's worth I relayed your situation to my wife and she agreed with what I said above. We had our first on August 30. It did not affect my hunting at all. She had to be alone for 8-10 hours per day anyway while I was at work and college. Our son was born on Friday and I was back in class and at work on Monday morning. Our culture has grown soft, women have birthed and cared for infants in far worse conditions than are normal today.
On a slightly different note I think it is terrible in a marriage if either spouse has be "let" to do something. Neither spouse truly has control over the other and the idea that a woman "lets" her husband do anything is ridiculous. Likewise the idea that a man "lets" his wife do activities of her choosing is equally ridiculous. You choose your activities with an understanding for how it will affect your wife and you make sure that she knows you are taking her into consideration.
If only there was a television program where people could air out their family squabbles, no matter how white-trashy they may be.If thousands of redneck hunters can't solve your marriage problems who can?