Always tired? Gaining weight?

I have been thinking that stress is most likely causing a lot of these problems.. I just don’t know how to “limit” stress. My wife calls me a worry wart all the time.

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Simple, not simple. Do less and never let a job or career get in the way of important things. No point in being "successful" if you're pushing up daisies at the age of 35...

I like the line by Rudolf Abel in Bridge of Spies Would it help? It's easy to get ourselves wrapped up in things that are actually petty at best.
Personally I think your tiredness is justified and well earned. But the calories - that’s not enough at your size if you want to have more energy. You need high quality caffeine like real green tea and a pill made by Jarrow called L-theaninie. Then make sure you have food handy because you’ll be hungry/hangry. Also you’ll have to poop more often which might be problematic with job sites etc. But honestly, just enjoy the well earned tiredness and sleep as much as you want/can.
L-Theanine is supposed to be a relaxer and IIRC a sleep inducer. I tried it for awhile before bedtime, but never really noticed much change one way or another. I used the double strength 200mg offered by NOW! It also has 100mg of inositol in it.
wow Im getting my Doctor on this evening
L-Theanine is supposed to be a relaxer and IIRC a sleep inducer. I tried it for awhile before bedtime, but never really noticed much change one way or another. I used the double strength 200mg offered by NOW! It also has 100mg of inositol in it.
I take theanine and magnesium threonate for sleep. Seems to work for me
Have you thought about cutting back on the work load, or moving work around to free up some of your life? It sounds like you might just be plain ol' wore ass out. Owning 2 companies, a wife, a new kid, bills, it all adds up.
Stress has the opposite effect on me. Whenever I'm stressed I drop weight quickly.

Have you thought about cutting back on the work load, or moving work around to free up some of your life? It sounds like you might just be plain ol' wore ass out. Owning 2 companies, a wife, a new kid, bills, it all adds up.

I have thought about it. Moving back to CA soon to be around family, but I’m starting another company out there and selling both mine now. So hoping going back to 1 company and being around all my friends and family helps me in that aspect. I’ve just seen my parents, friends and family struggle financially and it stresses me out even when I’m crushing it so I feel like I always need to be working to get ahead financially

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I have thought about it. Moving back to CA soon to be around family, but I’m starting another company out there and selling both mine now. So hoping going back to 1 company and being around all my friends and family helps me in that aspect. I’ve just seen my parents, friends and family struggle financially and it stresses me out even when I’m crushing it so I feel like I always need to be working to get ahead financially

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What kind of companies are you running? (sorry if this has already been answered)
Dude, if you’re 275lb and eating only that amount of calories (assuming somewhat sensible dinner as you said it varies)… then you aren’t getting enough calories for your body. Possibly why you’re always tired.That being said… if you’re only eating that then GET TO THE DAMN DOCTOR! That isn’t natural. Get a full blood panel. And best of luck.

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Some good info here, but also plenty of bad. Working in the field my best advice would be go get the thyroid checked out with your family history, probably the lowest hanging fruit. Squaring away on mental health issues will help everything else as well.
bag of chips/bread or wrap is not clean...jmo, ymmv.

processed food can have bad effects no matter if it is only 10-20% of your daily diet...a cheat meal once a week or so may not count into that.

How did you feel @ 235#? When has this started to effect you?

Imo, actual 'clean' diet is almost zero foods with more than one ingredient (some may have a little sea salt or something like that). Also covid can have longer lasting after effects. Took me 6 months for the body/joint ached to get under control and for me to get back to full strength in my workouts. Anyway, good luck.
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bag of chips/bread or wrap is not clean...jmo, ymmv.

processed food can have bad effects no matter if it is only 10-20% of your daily diet...a cheat meal once a week or so may not count into that.

How did you feel @ 235#? When has this started to effect you?

Imo, actual 'clean' diet is almost zero foods with more than one ingredient (some may have a little sea salt or something like that). Also covid can have longer lasting after effects. Took me 6 months for the body/joint ached to get under control and for me to get back to full strength in my workouts. Anyway, good luck.

I guess eating healthy is a loose term depending on who you ask. I do have some carbs but I don’t think a 150 calorie bag of sun chips or 2 pieces of bread would make me gain 50+ pounds this quick. I actually felt my best weight at 250/60 somewhere in there. Felt strong, fit, and loads of energy. What happened from then to now? Kid, 2nd company, and life haha.

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It is not really carbs per say. It is the processed ingredients....if your eating some foods with 10-20 ingredients on the ingredient label then your not eating clean. Clean, one ingredient carbs are not bad for you. Now, if your not familiar with reading the ingredient labels your not really eating clean at all....if your gas for the vehicle has 5% motor oil in it there is no need to wonder why the vehicle is smoking out the tail pipe...

Now that we opened the chips/processed bread for lunch door you may look at what your having for dinner/snacks...and get yourself at least 8 hours of quality sleep each day.

^this is where to start along with hard strength training and a 1/2-1 hour walk on a regular basis and then see where you are at in 3 months. Or, you could get supplemental T....... A change that would help you produce more T and hgh would probably be best given your age. Just my opinion, ymmv.
It is not really carbs per say. It is the processed ingredients....if your eating some foods with 10-20 ingredients on the ingredient label then your not eating clean. Clean, one ingredient carbs are not bad for you. Now, if your not familiar with reading the ingredient labels your not really eating clean at all....if your gas for the vehicle has 5% motor oil in it there is no need to wonder why the vehicle is smoking out the tail pipe...

Now that we opened the chips/processed bread for lunch door you may look at what your having for dinner/snacks...and get yourself at least 8 hours of quality sleep each day.

^this is where to start along with hard strength training and a 1/2-1 hour walk on a regular basis and then see where you are at in 3 months. Or, you could get supplemental T....... A change that would help you produce more T and hgh would probably be best given your age. Just my opinion, ymmv.

I’m going to the Dr in 2 1/2 weeks (first available appt) to do a blood test. Check my thyroid and my T levels. Once I get that done, I’m going to force myself to workout 3-4 times a week. 2 cardio 2 weight/cardio and I hope to see a change.

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I know this isn’t a health/Dr forum but I’ve posted random stuff here before and figured I’d ask anyway. If it’s in a wrong spot please delete.

I’m a 28 year old and I’m always tired… I wake up, want to fall back asleep. Lunch time (If I do eat) want to take a nap. 8-8:30 on a Friday night? Want to go to bed. I have a very busy life, I run 2 companies, am married, just had my first kid 8 months ago and I try to hunt/fish in the time I can. I run 2 separate construction companies and I am physically in the field 1-4 days a week doing the work myself. I don’t workout after work, I usually don’t have the time. 3 years ago I was around 225-235. Now 3 years later I’m at 275. I’m 6’7 or 6’8 so I know I should be heavier than most, but I am curious to see what everyone thinks?
Also, I eat as healthy as I can. No fast food, no take out, wife or I cook 6 of 7 nights a week. I eat breakfast at home and bring a lunch to work.

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See your primary care provider. There are several questions I would ask and physical exam findings I would be interested in if you came to see me. It would depend on the results of those, but I have a few tests I expect I would order as some problems likely should be ruled out before attributing it to stress (hypothyroidism, obstructive sleep apnea are two examples). Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that.

Good luck, hope you find a solution.
I poop 2-3 times a day already hahah don’t know if I can handle 4 or 5 times a day

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Breakfast is too greasy. Hard boiled eggs can be problematic too. Reduce grease and eggs and you’ll be able to handle the tea. Not coffee that will make it worse. The other suggestions here could be important but if you’re not in love with going to the doctor try my idea first.
I haven't read the whole thread so not sure if it was mentioned. But when I was working 65 hrs a week and under a ton of stress I was tired all the time.

I started working out and running consistently and my energy levels sky rocketed. If I woke up and ran 4 miles before going to work, you would think I would be exhausted by the end of a 10 hour.

The opposite was true. The more I worked our. The less stress I felt and the more energy I had.

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