I e run so many at tires over the years. Most are pretty darn good for all around use. Here in west Michigan with lake effect snow and temperature swings, my highest priority is snow and ice grip.
The coppers were good, until about 8/32 tread and the siping was not cut deep and they were dangerous. 3 sets including buddy and brother all same thing. Maybe a bad run of tires cause some have had good siping down to 4/32.
Currently running durstracs and short if true snow tires I’ve run these have been the best at tire in snow and ice. However, there’re still new and I try not to judge a tire until it’s well worn.
I run nokian rativva on wife’s forerunner and that is a very well balanced performing tire in all conditions. Especially snow and ice. Off road is capable too, except deep mud they well clog up.
Around here, the dynapro is popular with hobby snow plow guys. Pretty good siping.