Alone....what roksliders do you think could do it?

Couple of days and I’d be ready for some tasty cakes.

Slight hijack but has anyone else noticed that the quality of shelters has increased exponentially over the seasons? The season 1 guy basically lived in some tree roots. Now they are building log cabins.
I've never seen it, so I have no idea who could do it. I remember when Survivor came out and I was thinking "man, this would be very cool and fun to do". Then I watched it and realized it was all a game and only about surviving the politics of the idiots you're in the game with. I couldn't stand having the cameras on me all the time........"beat it". If this is a show about being alone, then leave me alone.
I've never seen it, so I have no idea who could do it. I remember when Survivor came out and I was thinking "man, this would be very cool and fun to do". Then I watched it and realized it was all a game and only about surviving the politics of the idiots you're in the game with. I couldn't stand having the cameras on me all the time........"beat it". If this is a show about being alone, then leave me alone.
Yeah survivor is dumb. It’s jus t like big brother but on a tropical island rather than inside a house.
I've seen seasons 1,2,6,7 and finished 8 yesterday. Out of all of them, Roland and the guy who got a moose were my favorites. Roland was a mad man! Felt bad for Callie getting pulled over the frostbite. She was real cool, tough and quirky.

Season 8 was good. Biko really surprised me. I thought he was gonna tap out in the first couple weeks. Didn't realize that getting fat beforehand was his strategy. I gotta say, that's a strategy I could get behind! Spend a few months crushing chips, fries and burgers for a chance at $500k....hell yeah!
Don't recall the name
I've seen seasons 1,2,6,7 and finished 8 yesterday. Out of all of them, Roland and the guy who got a moose were my favorites. Roland was a mad man! Felt bad for Callie getting pulled over the frostbite. She was real cool, tough and quirky.

Season 8 was good. Biko really surprised me. I thought he was gonna tap out in the first couple weeks. Didn't realize that getting fat beforehand was his strategy. I gotta say, that's a strategy I could get behind! Spend a few months crushing chips, fries and burgers for a chance at $500k....hell yeah!

Totally my plan.
So long as they go by BMI and not pounds lost I'm a shoe-in to win this, boys.

Took a pandemic to show me I'm a borderline shut-in, and if I don't eat I'm not hungry. LOL.
😂 somehow this one slipped past me, that guy definitely has it all figured out
I would miss my taco sandwiches too much but I have shot trad bow for 25years so I got that down. I knew Clay would win as soon as I saw him on there. He’s a stud. Trad guys just rock!
I really enjoyed this show the first few seasons. When they started medically pulling everyone it went downhill. I also didn't care for the latest season end of episode recap.

Especially the guy with a couple pounds of smoked salmon he was rationing to last him and the girl the last time. They should at least get some sort of consulation prize if they are forced to leave. I'd be upset for sure if I wasted months of my life to be medically pulled.
I could do it. I have the skillset to survive and thrive. Don't talk to people so that's not a problem.
Where I would get kicked off is for not talking to the camera. I am not going to be spilling my guts to a camera. You would get a lot of quiet video.
I just watched last season with my wife/family...never seen before...just loved it.
My wife and kids say I need to go...I said sign me up:)

I think 5 of my items would be 5 bows/arrow...screw the gill netting fish, I'd be still-hunting all day long.

I was thinking what would happen if they put 2 studs against each other and these suckers start going on year 2 with no end in sight:)

(are the prior seasons available anywhere to watch? We just watch recent one on Netflix)