Asking about deer hunting in SEAK is harmless in my opinion. However, when captain flexnuts responds with, "It's easy, anchor in this cove, hunt this hill face." That blows up a spot permanently. If you start naming specific information in an open forum, there's no limit to the exposure you've just created. For reference, look at # of thread views vs # of comments where specific hunt info is given.
Asking a draw tag specific question and keeping it in the PM's is relatively harmless but be prepared if you're the guy who responds "PM sent." You will be bombarded every year when that tag is drawn. Send a PM if you feel compelled but don't reply to the thread. I'd further add that if you've gotten the info you desire, ask a mod to delete the thread.
Finally, just because you have no intention of hunting an area ever again doesn't mean you need to broadcast the info everywhere possible in a hunt recap. Not my chair, not my problem and they're on to burn the next spot.
For all of our future selves; if you must share pics or video, please crop skylines and bodies of water out. Rather than asking about TAG123 add spaces so it doesn't show up on a google search. For example: Looking for info on T A G 1 2 3?
And remember kids, killing predators today could save the new world record's life tomorrow.