What's remarkable to me is how confidently these stats are published. They publish SO many data points, but NOT the per-DAU response rates that would tell you how relevant they are. In some cases they may even be pretty close to accurate, while others are almost pure guesses, and there's no way to tell the difference.
As others mentioned above, comparing year-to-year changes can help give a little clue to this. Most of the online tools don't give an easy way to do that. I do like that GoHunt shows a trend chart, which is a start.
Personally, I tend to ignore these stats. I'm not a trophy hunter, I'm a meat-in-freezer guy, and while I'm still tough enough to put in 10-15mi days I do have arthritis and I've had three mini-strokes so I try to be careful with terrain - I can't keep up with the sheep-hunter crew anymore. What I look for is:
- Size of herd in the DAU (if there's only 1000 head across 50,000 acres, yeah... I'm not going there...)
- Points required (until they kill the point system, I try to alternate 0pt units for 2-3 years and then "something fun" to burn a few points on)
- Public land access (I prefer to hunt public land so no $5k Trinchera Ranch trespass fee for me, thanks)
- General terrain stats FOR THE SEASON (if I hunt past Rifle 2 I don't care as much about terrain because I'll be lower anyway)
- Scouting and knowledge of the area. I've probably scouted 20% of the GMUs (that I might actually hunt) in the state. IMO I think knowledge of a zone with a 10% "harvest success rate" trumps going blind into one with a "40%". It doesn't matter how successful other people are. Just how successful YOU are.
- If it looks fun. Sort of the opposite of the previous point, I'm a nomad and I like to roam around and explore new places. Hunting is my excuse to do that so this year for example I put in 1st choice for an area I've never been to, and I'm excited to see it.