For 19C, 38 residents hunted in 2022, 56 NR. 3 and 26 were successful respectively.Is there a graph that shows R and NR sheep tags sold like the harvest data graph?
For 19C, 38 residents hunted in 2022, 56 NR. 3 and 26 were successful respectively.Is there a graph that shows R and NR sheep tags sold like the harvest data graph?
A hard winter in 11/12 or 12/13 if I recall correctly. Killed a lot of the lambs. Flash forward to 2020 and on when all those lambs would have been legal rams and they’re just not there. Not everything in life is some grand conspiracy.I find it to be an awfully strange coincidence that sheep harvest is trucking along just fine and then precipitously drops off in 2020 which is, of course, the year Covid hit and travel became restricted plus peoples wallets took a hit so plans to hunt sheep that fall changed in a dramatic way. But then, harvest doesn’t come back even though everyone becomes a hunter and sheep hunts become the most important thing to do in the World. What’s up with that other than aliens landed and stole the sheep when people took a year off from sheep hunting.
Sure, it’s not all a conspiracy theory, especially if you have those data from back in 2013 that there was a major reduction in lamb count. But if you’re saying it now “retrospectively” that's called hand waiving, and worse than a “conspiracy theory” from the perspective of science. So, if you have those data, please show them. I’ll be the first to agree if they exist.
Nice to see them looking at population trends as a whole and not just a snapshot of the last 20 like so many have.The Alaska Department of Fish and Game presented this information to the Alaska Board of Game in October 2022. The pdf answers several of the questions asked above, including resident and nonresident hunter numbers, and historic sheep population trends in a few selected areas across Alaska.
Well, the 2024 season is well underway at this point.
As per the norm, the weather sucked pretty bad in most places for the opener and following days. The social media index is starting to reflect some successful hunts and rumors of sub-legals are starting to float around.
What are folks seeing out there so far? Similar numbers to the last few years? Lamb to ewe ratios?
I have yet to make my first foray into the hills this years so no real firsthand observations to share yet.
Similar numbers to last handful of years. No more, no less. Not from the area that we are both familiar with.How about that weather eh Ben. Didn't get much of a window around the opener where one could hunt very effectively.
In another year or two those will be some pretty solid rams. Way too close for comfort for me as well and definitely would have let them walk. Beautiful creatures. Good on ya.
How were sheep numbers overall compared to past experiences in your zone?
My observations reflect Ben's. I was new to the hunt area, but it appeared to be comparable to where I've spent the last few seasons. Came up empty the past few years and not for a lack of effort. I did manage to bring one home this time.
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Thanks, F&G just sealed him at 8. On the hoof i knew he was at least 8, but was hoping for 9. The distance and conditions made things difficult.Congrats man! That is awesome and sounds like well earned after the last few years of grinding it out.
What did they age him at out of curiosity. It sounds like there is still some inconsistent application of aging methods going on yet again. Mainly which annuli should be counted as the ear 3 annuli from a few reports I've heard so far.
Thanks, F&G just sealed him at 8. On the hoof i knew he was at least 8, but was hoping for 9. The distance and conditions made things difficult.