PA 5-0
I hunted the Brooks in '14. After 10 solid days of humping, only saw a couple dozen small sheep, a couple wolves and one baby caribou. Barren wasteland due to some really rough winters. I came home bent as a boomerang. That said, Jonah Stewart does awesome work up that way.
'15, hunted the Alaska Range with XtremeXpeditions. Incredible adventure. Animals were everywhere you looked. Rams o'plenty, with moose, caribou and bear viewing on the daily. Missed a big ram, shot a big bear, could have swacked multiple monster caribou. Jeff and his posse are super nice dudes. They have the experience and facilities to design a hunt for any specific need. If a mixed bag hunt is your play, Jeff is your huckleberry. Feel free to call me for a bullsht session. Start training now.
Sidenote: Terrains can vary greatly. Brooks was rocks and rocks and bigger rocks. Got into some very technical, shady shit. Fun though. Alaska Range had much more vegetation, pulling on me with every step, and was very very wet. Jeff utilizes an awesome boot system to keep your feet in the game.
'15, hunted the Alaska Range with XtremeXpeditions. Incredible adventure. Animals were everywhere you looked. Rams o'plenty, with moose, caribou and bear viewing on the daily. Missed a big ram, shot a big bear, could have swacked multiple monster caribou. Jeff and his posse are super nice dudes. They have the experience and facilities to design a hunt for any specific need. If a mixed bag hunt is your play, Jeff is your huckleberry. Feel free to call me for a bullsht session. Start training now.
Sidenote: Terrains can vary greatly. Brooks was rocks and rocks and bigger rocks. Got into some very technical, shady shit. Fun though. Alaska Range had much more vegetation, pulling on me with every step, and was very very wet. Jeff utilizes an awesome boot system to keep your feet in the game.