A true giant-of-a deer

same thing here in a few places in Idaho where the deer winter really close to roads. The closure helped these deer when they can enforce it.
Great buck! What the hell were those guys thinking getting that close to that buck! They are just lucky they did not blow that buck out of the country and never find those sheds. I'd give up an elk hunt to kill a buck like that but why, kill him then go after big bulls.
It's really not! The OP asked not to rehash the ethics. This will not become MM or 24hr campfire. We will just start banning people that can't listen!

Then maybe the OP should have followed his own advice and not posted his opinion. He comes on, states that he doesnt like the "ethics police" and that "we dont need to get into that over here" and then promptly gets right into what he's asking others not to comment on by defending the guys picking up shed antlers with bloddy pedicles on the wintering ground and saying "hats off" to them. If somebody has a different opinion they must be the "ethics police". Its ridiculous and I sent Robbie a PM expressing this.

Had it just been the video of a big deer I would have witheld comment but when actions like that are defended I feel that its fair game to post an opposing viewpoint. Varying viewpoints are not a bad thing Ryan. I do find it interesting that you would feel the need to threaten to ban a person for having and politely expressing a concern over the health of a deer herd and the impact that we can have by pressuring post rut bucks and pregnant does too early on their wintering ground yet say nothing to the guy that called me stupid for posting it. I have not called anybody names at all. You're right, hilarious was not the right word in my previous post, sad would have been much more appropriate

Do you want a forum where everybody has to agree with an administrator or do you want a forum where people can come and share varying opinions in a constructive, polite way? Its your forum, ban me if you want to

One more time, as I said in the PM, we have no proof those guys did anything wrong, therefore my ethics statement.

I do however believe it is quite a feat to get a 230 buck on video and pick up his sheds and my hats off to anyone who can do it without breaking the law. If those guys did something wrong and the facts come to life, then we'll discredit their efforts.

If you want to discuss your ethics about shed hunting/filming giant bucks on the winter range, feel free to start a thread on that. If it stays clean, informative and no personal attacks, we'll let it stay, if not, we'll delete it.

The internet has provided everyone with a place to express their opinion, however, we're paying the bills around here and have the right to shape Rokslide into what we envision. Thousands of members agree that they don't want Rokslide to turn into the aformentioned and other sites.
and in all fairness, a3d, let's not call anyone stupid.

Just used as a description of behavior for people who choose not to follow reasonable requests after they have read it.

I have my own opinions on animals and wintering ground but I choose not to voice them here per the request. It wasn't too hard to just hit the back button and move on.
I am often accused of being too blunt, I apologize.
New to site but my video aint haha, If anyone got any questions about this buck let me know I am the one who edited the video and filmed some of it so feel free to hit me up. yes even the haters. PS location other than it is an Idaho buck is secret. ok :)
Hi Sam,
bet you guys were nervous waiting for him to drop. Too many bucks like that end up dead before they can drop.
Is your buddy going to mount the sheds or does he have other plans?