A Personal Gripe

I would say that people use harvested because it sounds more poetic.

I have more of a gripe about people wiping clean and posing an animal for a photo shoot after killing it.
Imagine, Access Hollywood…

“And prively he caughte hire by the queynte”

Doesn’t that sound nice? 😂
A guy goes hunting and sees a huge bear. He takes aim and squeezes the trigger, but misses. The bear approaches the hunter, grabs him and has his way with him before letting him go. But the hunter vows revenge. He goes out to the same spot the next day, sees the same bear, takes aim and fires. Again, he misses and again, the bear has his way with him. The hunter borrows a friend’s rifle the next day. He heads out to his spot and sees the bear again. He gets the bear in his sights, shoots and misses. So the bear says “You didn’t come here to hunt, did you?”

I think the "harvester" guys are at a point in their shooting journey where they are still uncomfortable with their own actions causing death.
I am much more annoyed with quite a few other buzzwords like:
When something is shut down due to a major f-ck up we “put it on pause”.
We’re now going to “pivot” the conversation.
Any use of the word “glidepath”.
Let’s “lean into this”.
Probably about 10 more of these idiotic buzzwords will come to me after I post this.
Oh yeah, you remember “insurgents”? Couldn’t watch a half hour of news without hearing that term 20 times when they were actually referring to “terrorists”.

So these guys that stick 3 or 4 animals before actually finding and tagging one. Do they report that they “harvested” 1, but “killed” 4?
I am much more annoyed with quite a few other buzzwords like:
When something is shut down due to a major f-ck up we “put it on pause”.
We’re now going to “pivot” the conversation.
Any use of the word “glidepath”.
Let’s “lean into this”.
Probably about 10 more of these idiotic buzzwords will come to me after I post this.
Oh yeah, you remember “insurgents”? Couldn’t watch a half hour of news without hearing that term 20 times when they were actually referring to “terrorists”.

So these guys that stick 3 or 4 animals before actually finding and tagging one. Do they report that they “harvested” 1, but “killed” 4?
Corporatese gives me synergistic diarrhea.
Am I the only one bothered when hunters say they "harvested" an animal?

We aren't farmers. We are hunters. We kill the animal and harvest the meat. Why are we so afraid to say the word kill?
It irritates the heck out of me. I file that information away as "that dude is gonna cry vs fight if someone smacks him in the mouth".
Pretty poor deer crop this year.
This is a correct use of the word.

crop /krɒp /
▸ noun 1 a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable: the main crops were oats and barley. ▫ an amount of produce harvested at one time: a heavy crop of fruit.

▫ an abundance of something, especially a person's hair: he had a thick crop of wiry hair.

▫ the total number of young farm animals born in a particular year on one farm: failure to observe sound practice leads to a lamb crop at weaning of around 50–60 per cent.

2 a group or amount of related people or things appearing or occurring at one time: the current crop of politicians.
3 a hairstyle in which the hair is cut very short: she has her hair cut in a short crop.
4 short for riding crop, or hunting crop
5 a pouch in a bird's gullet where food is stored or prepared for digestion: the parent waxbill partially digests food in its crop. ▫ an organ resembling a pouch in an insect or earthworm.

6 the entire tanned hide of an animal.

▸ verb ( crops, cropping, cropped) [with object] 1 cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short: she cropped her long golden hair he wore his hair closely cropped. ▫ remove part of (a photograph or other image) in order to produce a better picture or to fit a given space: you can always crop the picture afterwards.

2 (of an animal) bite off and eat the tops of (plants): the horse was gratefully cropping the grass.
3 harvest (plants or their produce) from a particular area: hay would have been cropped several times through the summer. ▫ sow or plant (land) with plants that will produce food or fodder, especially on a large commercial scale: the southern areas are cropped in cotton.

▫ [no object] (of land or a plant) yield a harvest of plants or produce: the parsley will need protection to continue cropping through the winter.

– PHRASAL VERBS crop out 1 (crop something out, crop out something) remove part of a photograph or other image in order to produce a better picture or to fit a given space: he intended to crop out all identifying details you can see his arm, but the rest of him has been cropped out.
2 (of rock) appear or be exposed at the surface of the earth: high hills are found where the igneous rocks of eastern South Uist crop out.

crop up appear, occur, or come to someone's notice unexpectedly: some urgent business had cropped up.
– ORIGIN Old English crop, cropp, of Germanic origin; related to German Kropf. From Old English to the late 18th century there existed a sense ‘flower head, ear of corn’, giving rise to crop (sense 1 of the noun) and senses referring to the top of something, whence crop (sense 4 of the noun).
Well if you get right down to it, it’s murder. You Lie in wait. Usually the victim did not attack you, so you can’t claim self-defense. It’s premeditated judging by the amount of time people spend on this forum talking about it. And you use a deadly weapon with deadly intent.

I guess I must be quite a sinner, because I know it’s murder, and I just keep doing it anyway.
Well if you get right down to it, it’s murder. You Lie in wait. Usually the victim did not attack you, so you can’t claim self-defense. It’s premeditated judging by the amount of time people spend on this forum talking about it. And you use a deadly weapon with deadly intent.

I guess I must be quite a sinner, because I know it’s murder, and I just keep doing it anyway.
We are deep into misapplied pedantry; murder is the killing of a human, by a human. ;-)
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YEP SNOW FLAKE ITS SIZZLING ON THE GRILL RIGHT NOW COME ON OVER GRAB A BEER AND HAVE A BITE. Really you fellas haven’t read where the gubbermint has spent millions of dollars to decide that plants also have feelings, My motto kill em, drag em cut them up and eat them. And that’s all I have to say about that.
My favorite misuse on this forum
Them gravy seals gotsta run them tactical stuffs.