A nation of wimps?


Mar 29, 2017
Not sure if your trying to be sarcastic or what. If sarcasm, it’s over my head. If not, that would be the roaring 20s. The 30s sucked.

If you are saying that people in the 30s were hard men…don’t forget the number that killed themselves, ran leaving their families or spent every penny they could scrounge drinking…not exactly what I would call hard men.
Yeah, but a set of $3.59 ear plugs or $38 walkers electronic muffs sure trump an $1000 silencer and tax stamp and cutting off the end of my barrels to neuter rifle performance and hang a big ugly weight on the end. 🤣😁


Mar 29, 2017
The US military also changed their retirement plan significantly and moved from 20 years w/ immediate pension to a deferred 401k-like plan and changed non-taxed TSP withdrawals to age 70. This is probably one of the single biggest contributors to low recruitment numbers - I would argue that the younger generation is smart to rethink service, the retirement plan was one of the best out there for federal service and is now in shambles.
Nah... most join for one hitch without any consideration for retiring. Many join for the free college benefits now.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
The industrial revolution was way before 1940 and everything about that made people's lives easier up to the present day. So if you want to spout off about lacking depth of experience, you fit right in to that category as well.
Again, I very clearly said generations, not individuals. However, I have no interest in thumping my chest, so lets just assume I have no experience of hardship beyond reading about it, that I have nothing I could thump my chest about, and that I have never spent time in third world settings. Even so, the observation remains valid.

As for why I draw the line at 1940, the great depression and WWII where profound hardships, but one must be old enough to have been shaped by those hardships to claim them to their experience. I was not born prior to 1940, so any reasonable person would understand that I include myself as coming from a generation of wimps. There have certainly been individual wimps well before this, but this thread is about an entire nation, not individuals.
If you did a poor job of communicating that, just man up and say so...
Nope, pulling a thread in which you failed to make a valid argument into another thread does nothing other than demonstrate pettiness. You are the one who quoted me, your are the one that drug experience into the evaluation while demonstrating a profound lack of it (even from just the study of history) in the same paragraph.


Apr 5, 2021
A lot of working class guys are no more or no less wimpy than they were a generation ago. I do think that many guys go to large 4 year colleges and they are socialized into wimps. Humanity professors relentlessly pushing DEI and toxic masculinity to the degree some guys actually believe that is reality

And it’s these anti “toxic masculinity“ guys that are prominent on social media. Sadly, America has little interest in the commercial fishermen, boilermakers, or the ranchers out taking care of the cattle in this frigid weather
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
I believe that if you actively search for conformation of your beliefs you'll find them but narrowing your prospective during the search makes you miss all the details you might have seen with your peripheral vision.

Often those complaining the loudest invest the lest to make a change.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk


Dec 25, 2023
I grew up without electricity. We lived well from 40 below to 100 above. Maybe a bit uncomfortable at 100. Did chores and school never closed for cold. School had 12 passenger snowmobiles when the snow got to deep.
How would a kid growing up in a city ever have anything approaching these experiences? They may have never pushed a lawnmower. Not their fault . Almost no one lives that way now.
I get a kick out of the people preparing for the big collapse of society. It can be brutally hard to live that way and not the picnic they envision , and you better be young and healthy.
At my age I would NOT want to go back. I doubt if I could hack it for long.
Apr 9, 2021
I grew up without electricity. We lived well from 40 below to 100 above. Maybe a bit uncomfortable at 100. Did chores and school never closed for cold. School had 12 passenger snowmobiles when the snow got to deep.
How would a kid growing up in a city ever have anything approaching these experiences? They may have never pushed a lawnmower. Not their fault . Almost no one lives that way now.
I get a kick out of the people preparing for the big collapse of society. It can be brutally hard to live that way and not the picnic they envision , and you better be young and healthy.
At my age I would NOT want to go back. I doubt if I could hack it for long.
Well said.
Gotta laugh at the guys prepping for the end and complaining about the next generation who wouldn’t last one day without their prescription medications….

Swamp Fox

Oct 20, 2022
Masculinity declined 37% in the US when male school aged children were allowed to play soccer. Look it up.

I did, and this is not true.

The 37% masculinity decline you cite applies to co-ed soccer, where boys play on girls' teams.

Where boys play on boys' teams, the decline is only 14- 17%, assuming the boys have enough lung capacity and leg strength to run the entire length of the match.

Walmart Greeter

Apr 24, 2023
My money is on page 7 for the lock time on this....
Let’s see if I can prove you right. You know people now a days are pussies when a guy who calls himself elk shape uses dirt bikes illegally to hunt the back country and when a rok slide member calls him out on the internet the thread gets deleted so that elk shapes feelings don’t get hurt.
Oct 19, 2017


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
Man I wish I could find a post to quote and write “that’s what she said” hmmm ????
