After 12 years of being in the Marine Corps my wife and I have made the family decision that it’s time for me to get out so that we can settle down somewhere. Wife works remote so work wise she will relocate rather easy to Austin and I’ll be job hunting starting now until I get out this summer, and my grand parents live in Georgetown so it will be nice to spend time with them. My wife is from upstate New York and neither of us have ever been to Texas. I grew up in Utah and since graduating HS bounced around from Hawaii to California and back to Hawaii. We have always said we would just pick a spot and go when the time came for me to part ways with the military life. I have some questions about generalities of living around Austin and Hunting

of course if anyone minds answering? I appreciate all and any responses!
-Commute during rush hour from the round rock Area to down town Austin and vice versus?
-Is their a toll for highway use?
-Avg cost of utilities winter/summer?
-Property tax cost?
-What is a comfortable salary to live on? I realize this is open to interpretation, I would consider my wife middle class fancy if that helps. We have always lived on base in mil housing, so having a stand alone home with a yard big enough for the kids, me to shoot my bow, a decent garage etc will be AWESOME!
-How does hunting in Texas generally work? I have looked at the state website but doesn’t lead me many places to figure anything out. I am used to public land western hunting in Utah, Colorado and California. Am I going to have to pay hundreds of dollars to go hunt ranches, knock on doors, or get to know a guy etc?
-Aranges around Austin? 3d or indoor. I shoot traditional.
-Long distance shooting ranges? Love shooting club level PRS matches.
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