A nation of wimps?

Walmart Greeter

Apr 24, 2023
We could go all the way back to Ooga and Booga in the cave, every generation has said the exact same thing (Wimps, Lazy, etc.) about the latest generation since the beginning of time. The Silent Generation and Boomers talk about how soft we are. We talk about how soft Gen Z is. The babies born this year will be saying the same thing about the 2050's babies.

Everyone of them is going to say "But these ones are ACTUALLY wimps and lazy, back in my day we..."

Don't put too much stock in what other people say and think about you. Live a life that makes you happy.
The same people claiming to be from the tough generation are the ones that complain about the kids outside being too loud.


Jan 29, 2014
Good thread!! It's a modified Fudd trap!

Before I even opened it, I knew exactly which few members would be in here stroking their superiority complexes because they're closer to one end than the other, and are afraid their life hasn't been as important as they imagined....non-traditional snowflakes!
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Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
Okie dokie!
I was born in 1950 and grew up in East Texas.
We lived through hurricanes, tornados, drouths, floods, 100°+ temps, +/-20° temps and the occasional hard freeze and snow.
Until the 2nd grade, the only A/C I had experienced was at the local "Duke & Ayers" department store and the Texas Theater.
I can remember my sister and me ice skating (no skates) on our farm pond (1 acre). We didn't break through.

Our dogs lived outside. We heated the house with LPG space heaters. They were burned during the day. They were turned off every night! Regardless of night time temps!
The heat of summer meant opening every window in the house, mosquitoes be damned! Spent many a summer night, wallowing in a pool of sweat until, out of desperation, you slipped onto that linoleum floor because it was MUCH cooler!
Maybe a box fan to stir the sultry air!

These days! Freezing temps and summertime highs above 90° and the news organizations go into orbit! 🤯
Don't go outdoors without proper clothing. Drink plenty water!
The NE is flooding.
The SW is in a drought!
Subzero temps in the Great Lakes area.

Have we become a nation of "wimps"?
If something unforseen happened, would you be able to provide warmth or compensate for the heat until power is restored?

Werent you the guy in the bourbon thread complaning about booze inflames your PAINFUL gout?
Just saying,
Glass houses and all,
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
the usa military today cannot meet recruitment goals and as I understand it they have softened the requirements....
There is not much killing going on rite now for US troops.

Who wants to sit in Garrison and watch butter bars present power points & do stupid ass details?

Not the bad asses that want to murder people legally.

Give us some mother truckers to shoot in the face.

The fact you don't know how terrible the military is when idle tells me you never served.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Short answer.....yes. But a lot of this sensationalism is part of the liberal agenda. Some people can ignore all that and/or resist against it, but the majority just eat it all up and believe it.

Heck, I saw that our governor actually issued a state of emergency because of this arctic cold front that brought us temps down to.........wait for it.......just below zero. SMH

Now......I hate the cold. No two ways about it. I'd much rather have 100+ degree temps than below freezing. But come on. News flash.......this just in........IT'S WINTER!


Jan 12, 2021
It’s quite amusing how great Boomers / older GenX’ers think they are. And how contrary reality is. History will not speak highly of y’all.
I'm Genx. I know my generation screwed up big time generally speaking. I did myself. I think it's pretty natural to try to make your kid's lives better than yours was growing up. Where I went wrong and I think a lot of people other people went wrong is easier is not better. I didn't coddle my kids, but I sure could have done better at teaching them to work for things instead of handing them stuff. It was always for birthdays and Christmas but I wish I would have given them less stuff and made them work way more.

Walmart Greeter

Apr 24, 2023
I was born in 1770, I’m just so f—ing hard I refuse to die. I joined George Washingtons army when I was 3 and when he crossed the Delaware there wasn’t enough room in the boat so I swam. I could bench press 500 lbs when I was 10 and used to get struck by lightning for fun. After that people started getting soft.
Sep 23, 2022
the usa military today cannot meet recruitment goals and as I understand it they have softened the requirements....
The US military also changed their retirement plan significantly and moved from 20 years w/ immediate pension to a deferred 401k-like plan and changed non-taxed TSP withdrawals to age 70. This is probably one of the single biggest contributors to low recruitment numbers - I would argue that the younger generation is smart to rethink service, the retirement plan was one of the best out there for federal service and is now in shambles.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I was born in 1770, I’m just so f—ing hard I refuse to die. I joined George Washingtons army when I was 3 and when he crossed the Delaware there wasn’t enough room in the boat so I swam. I could bench press 500 lbs when I was 10 and used to get struck by lightning for fun. After that people started getting soft.
Thank you for your cervix


Dec 20, 2020
The US military also changed their retirement plan significantly and moved from 20 years w/ immediate pension to a deferred 401k-like plan and changed non-taxed TSP withdrawals to age 70. This is probably one of the single biggest contributors to low recruitment numbers - I would argue that the younger generation is smart to rethink service, the retirement plan was one of the best out there for federal service and is now in shambles.
There is still an immediate pension after 20 years. DOD adjusted the calculation and added TSP so it is now pension + TSP.



Dec 20, 2020
If current laws would allow me to live in the same fashion as my ancestors I would. I’d love to go claim a couple hundred acres and try my fortune with it. My wife would cry with tears of happiness if I could give her a bunch of dirt with nothing on it but dreams and the promise of adventures through adversity.
Just make sure if you do you dont install one of those fancy solar power set ups so you have basic electricity. Those are only for the entitled new generations and make people weak.


Feb 4, 2021
Eastern Orreeegon

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”​

― Socrates

Nothing new here folks....-WW

Z Barebow

May 24, 2012
Yes we are a society with tons of wimps. But what we are witnessing is a convergence on multiple fronts.
  1. People who are wimps
  2. People who are ignorant (By circumstances or choice)
  3. People with short attention spans (Go back to 2 if you cannot read an article because you don't have the patience)
  4. People not being self responsible. Always wanting to blame somebody or something. (IE I am cold, must be climate change vs it is cold out. I guess I should wear a coat)
  5. Click bait/Sensationalism sells
    1. Business as usual doesn't sell
It is cold out. We have always had cold weather in January. But that doesn't sell. Climate change, polar vortex, rainmagedon-That sells. And far too many people take the bait.


Mar 16, 2016
The same old drone that has been going on since man figured out how to communicate. The only good generation is the one you belong and back. Everyone past there just ***** every thing up. Don’t worry, your parents said the same thing about you.

Turn shit off and look around. The tough ones aren’t complaining, they go about their lives and don’t say a word. If all you pay attention to is the ones that complain, then yea it looks bad.

This reminds me of my wives grandparents. It’s all MSNBC fault says the 24 hour FOX channel.

I have a pretty solid pain tolerance but I don’t go around pounding nails in my hand to prove it.

We owe the greatest generation a debt that never can be repaid. They did what they did because they had to. They rose to the occasion. We haven’t been tested like that since and I hope me or my kids never have to do that again.

I couldn’t imagine my life being so meaningless that I think we need to get rid of modern conveniences because it has made people “soft.”
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