A nation of wimps?

I said my personal up bringing.
Ya I did do a lot tougher shit in the 80s than my kids and there friends today.
Maybe it’s hard to understand my comment but read it again.I said MY personal upbringing and experience.
All generations definitely have there pussys and retards.Just way more today.
I don’t think people with Down Syndrome have a choice. Bad use of words.
All I know is yes there are some softies, I also know a bunch of red blooded SOB’s that strapped up and went to war as volunteers. Mostly 50’s- early 30’s. Probably the minority but still some folks that would surprise you Fudds
Well, we all have houses with insulation and heat....so none of us are that hard core.

I live in the Dakota's where it is currently -20. Imagine living on the plains during the 1800's with nothing but a fire, log shack or tipi, and a buffalo hide blanket.

Those people would probably call all of us soft. ha
So why is it that the softer, wimpy generation is to blame any who?

What about all you hard ass mother truckers that raised us wimps?

Isn't actually entirely you're fault that you raised a wimp?

Or were you to busy being a hard ass to raise your children and thats how they got soft?

Parents need to look in the mirror if they wanna know why the next generation is how they are.
Or -when the news says it’s really cold in Montana, oh never mind they never say that :ROFLMAO:

Better buckle up for those kinds of temperatures.
It’s quite amusing how great Boomers / older GenX’ers think they are. And how contrary reality is. History will not speak highly of y’all.
There's some truth to that. Reality says the stereotype is correct. It really ain't chest pumping or bragging. Stating simple facts.
The younger crowd(vast majority) (there are exceptions) Younger folks haven't had to deal with the things older folks have. Fact. Advances in technology have taken care of this. All will survive just fine. Being uncomfortable is the caveat. I lost power for 11 days with 3 kids between 7-14 in 1999. No generator. willing to bet those kids fared better than kids today. Dogs water dish froze inside house. The old days sucked plain and simple. We(older folks) are inherently better at dealing with inconveniencing. We're just used to it and have a plan.
I work in a prison.
I have actual grown adult inmates threaten to call their parents when they don't get their way or what they want.

My favorite is when they threaten to call their lawyers.
"You mean the one that didn't keep you from coming to prison?"

Your public defender has moved on to another one.
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I suggest that you stop watching the news and quit believing sensationalist propaganda that is designed to make you look just so the little advertisements can get a couple seconds with your subconscious.

People haven’t changed. Still just as many tough people as there has ever been. And still just as many whimpy people. We just have way easier connectabiliy.

Sorry you grew up in a time before air conditioning. 🤣
Well, we all have houses with insulation and heat....so none of us are that hard core.

I live in the Dakota's where it is currently -20. Imagine living on the plains during the 1800's with nothing but a fire, log shack or tipi, and a buffalo hide blanket.

Those people would probably call all of us soft. ha
If current laws would allow me to live in the same fashion as my ancestors I would. I’d love to go claim a couple hundred acres and try my fortune with it. My wife would cry with tears of happiness if I could give her a bunch of dirt with nothing on it but dreams and the promise of adventures through adversity.
Absolutely we are. Next time you are out in public, just look at everyone. Young men are particularly disturbing. Fat, doughy, androgynous looking. Shoulders slumped, shuffle around behind their fat girlfriends like whipped dogs. Not all, but most. There are still always a bunch of studs at the gym, so that gives me hope. Just try to keep a little David Goggins in your life and you'll set an example for the younger guys. Tomorrow I'm going to see how far I can hike with my 50lb pack. I hope my dog makes it.