A Hunter's Why


Jun 16, 2015
Even though right now is the peak of communication and idea share in the hunting world I feel like there is a large gap in an honest "why" people hunt in today's world. With now also being the peak of ignorance, attack, and misunderstanding in the non-hunting world I think that an honest and transparent "why" is going to be crucial in how we communicate and portray ourselves to others.

There's the standard and valid reasons like population control, meat consumption, saving tax payer money being spent on govt contractors etc but few want to stand up and say that they hunt because they like to. I can't speak for the rest of you but I'm not thinking about population and disease control and when I'm standing there with an arrow nocked listening to a bull break branches stomping around 20 yds away from me. I also know that for many of you hunting is cheaper than store bought meat but if cost was the real issue then the hunting gear industry would be obsolete. There is something more to the equation that there isn't enough attention on.

When you answer "why" with scientific and biologic justifications that don't capture the whole picture then it automatically puts yourself in a defensive position, as if our emotional, mental, and primal draw to hunting isn't legitimate enough for us to do what we do. If we are going to claim our place in today's conversation we need a more human, deeper, and honest transparent answer as to why we hunt. What is your why?
Stress relief!


Feb 8, 2021
Hunting is as old as time itself.
If you have to explain it to someone they wouldn’t understand.

I think anti-hunting is more about a persons self loathing

One has to eat to exist and all food production/hunting/harvesting takes life regardless of the method or practice, so some folks basically go as far as apologizing for existing.

There's a difference between respectfully recognizing the magnitude of taking a life and dragging yourself thru the weeds punishing yourself and others for the act. Taking it that far almost makes the situation selfishly about the person instead of about the animal.

Invokes the same feelings as when someone says "well its not the biggest, but..."