A Giraffe with a 6UM

Ryan Avery

Staff member
Jan 5, 2012
Over the past eight months, I've been criticized by numerous people who claim that a 6mm cannot kill a giraffe. They argued that it was unethical and that the giraffe may suffer for days or weeks before dying. One person even emailed me, insisting that a giraffe's hide is one inch thick and that the bullet would either bounce off or penetrate only a few inches. The professional hunter (a great human) was also very hesitant. However, two weeks after the giraffe was shot, several people contacted me to dispute my account. As a result, I will be sharing the unedited video below.

The professional hunter (PH) instructed me to take one shot and then wait to observe the giraffe's reaction. He explained that giraffes usually don't run far after one shot, but after a second shot, they tend to flee until they feel safe. The PH also mentioned that giraffes typically take one to three minutes to die, and more often than not, they require multiple shots. As a side note, this was the 15th animal my wife or I shot using the 6UM and the 115 NR Dtac. The results have been remarkable.

Where was your shot placement again?

Also, that deep voice guy who hangs out with Ron Spomer would shit. Haha. That guy is a dipshit.

<Deep Voice Guy> “A 6mm anything is highly unethical for giraffe due to its lack of foot pounds of energy. That cartridge would instead be suited for game such as field mice and squirrels. To hunt a giraffe successfully, one needs a minimum of 240,000 foot pounds, achieved by the 780 Double Dong Magnum…topped off with a Barnes bullet of course, for DEEEEP penetration.”
@Ryan Avery

The fact that you had to post it this way and that people are sending you private messages trying to "call you out" but won't say it in public is sad. Nothing I've ever seen you write, post, or say has ever come across as deceitful or untrue in a factual matter. I never doubted that you killed the giraffe with a 6 UM nor that if you would have had to use a backup gun or had the PH taken a follow up shot, you would have told us about it.

One thing I've learned in 20 years of online forums and social media is that there a lot of people who post things online whom wouldn't say the same thing to your face.

Congratulations on a successful trip, an amazing hunt, and thank you for sharing your journey with us. Now get some 6 UM brass made so we can all join the 6mm revolution. 😉 Until then, I'll just have to use the 6 ARC, 243, and 6CM.

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BuT iT's OnLy A sAmPlE sIzE oF oNe!!! Lolololol

Any photos of the damage? That PH must have been stunned it went down that quick.
At a business function yesterday one of the guys was talking about how they had to stop letting the kids use 6.5 creedmoors because they kept losing deer with those little guns..
I had one the other day as well. Guy was telling about his sons 243, how he kills anything he points it at. Then immediately following tells me he going to get him a 30-06 because he getting a little bigger now. I like the logic lol