of course the vast majority of replies will be "in theory" as not many have shot a charging bear with a 9mm... I am another person who hasn't done that.... my main carry gun is a glock 20.Not looking for a debate. I am going to carry a compact 9MM for all of my scouting next year, moving from a Glock 29. It's in Grizz country. Those that know, what say you?
with that being said, i'm getting a sig p365 at some point, and will feel no different in the woods packing a 9mm with appropriate bullets vs my 10mm. the likelihood of fending off a charging blackie or lion is incredibly unlikely as it is, and then to shoot a few rounds of 9mm in said critter, I would be very confident in that ending that confrontation.... it's surely not going to "just piss them off" like I have heard people claim, and a well placed round will shut one down, just like a 10mm. for general woods carry, I think the 9 is a great option, ammo is cheap and readily available which plays into you being good with your pistol, which makes up for energy if you shoot it better.
I like my G20, but for certain applications a smaller 9 would be handy, and plenty sufficient. if I am tracking a wounded bear, I would rather not have a 9mm for my sidearm, but it's still a lot better than nothing. the couple night time not sure about hit bear track jobs I have done (both courtesy of my sis in law, haha) I brought my 500, knowing if something went south, it would be very close range.... I like the idea of a 450gr bullet with a bunch of powder behind it in that scenario, but in that type of scenario you can leave the woods, give it some time, and come back with whatever arsenal makes you feel good.
general purpose walking around the woods, I think a 9mm is a great option.... much better than the 44mag you'll quit carrying