This might make my kerfuffle worse, but hear me out...
I am simultaneously jumping into reloading (300wm) and planning my next rifle purchase. I have committed to one of the 7mms, 280ai and 7prc chief among them. Problem is, if I read enough here on the slide, or watch a few YouTubes, I talk myself in and out of each, among others.
What do I want out of this new gun? Glad you asked! Desires and considerations in my mind are as follows...
-Dedicated deer/pronghorn/target rifle with a small chance of elk, if the hunt is serious enough to not warrant packing my #10.5 300wm. 500 and in for hunting, steel to however far I'm feeling frisky for. 24" or shorter barrel, ideally #8(ish) scoped.
-Reload friendlier for components. Cost is included. Seemingly, 280ai would be "cheaper" given the smaller case capacity, but 7prc seems to have more/building popularity for case availability/support.
-280ai > 7prc as it's lighter recoil, equals better barrel life and more fun to shoot.
-7prc > 280ai in shooting heavier bullets. I like heavier bullets, but I also have a 300wm for that...
-7prc is faster. See point above
-280ai is cooler (less mainstream, tickles my fancy)
-If I'm gonna reload, why don't I consider "xyz" other 7mm super secret/cool/awesome/new/weird/mind-blowing cartridge?
Mental masturbation? 110%. But I have time while I save up for whatever I decide, and enjoy the conversation and/or sarcastic feeler hurting comments. Cyber penny for your thoughts of you're willing to share.