6 yr old Muley Buck

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The property I shot that button on they don’t really let almost anyone hunt, and I’ve had to do some help on the ranch and other effort to make it happen.

I get approached a fair amount. I of course hunt, so not interested I'm letting yahoo's who also hunt on my place.

The people who do get to hunt, are those that lend a hand.
I will continue to post videos of me and my kids and a select group of friends and family shooting animals and enjoy it for what it is. Those who wish to click on it and enjoy watching it can do so and those of you who don’t want to watch it don’t have to. I haven’t hurt or harmed you personally in anyway. As for me posting on these forums, I do actually post other content as well, but you wouldn’t know that. Additionally, it’s not taking up memory space on your hard drive so don’t worry aboutit. I choose to post what I want, and you get to choose want you want to talk about. Pretty simple.
If the bold is in reference to RS, will you continue to make duplicate posts in multiple RS forums?
I thought the criticism was a little harsh until I saw he’s never commented or reacted to a single thread that wasn’t one of his original posts (at least as far as the rest of us can see).
Flame on.
I thought the criticism was a little harsh until I saw he’s never commented or reacted to a single thread that wasn’t one of his original posts (at least as far as the rest of us can see).
Flame on.
Yeah, not true but that’s OK, not going to convince anyone any different, I don’t really care at this point.
......As for me posting on these forums, I do actually post other content as well, but you wouldn’t know that.....

I thought the criticism was a little harsh until I saw he’s never commented or reacted to a single thread that wasn’t one of his original posts (at least as far as the rest of us can see).
Flame on.

Yeah, not true but that’s OK, not going to convince anyone any different, I don’t really care at this point.

Well, @Justin Byers - this can be reviewed, actually. Using the search function.....

Appears you joined on 8/17/2019. In the last five+ years, out of your 98 posts on Rokslide,
  • 89 of your posts are on threads you started (91%).
  • 9 of your posts are on threads started by others (9%).

That is, 91% of your posts are on threads you started. So, while @Bugger is not entirely accurate, that you've "never commented" to a single thread that wasn't yours, it is accurate 91% of the time.

For reference, below are your 9 posts on threads started by others:
  1. 3x3s Worth Shooting Picture Thread - posting about your Daughter's deer
  2. Decoys - providing some input on decoys (helpful to other hunters)
  3. 2023 Whitetail Meat Pole - posting a video of your hunt
  4. How much hunting ammo do you have per caliber? - providing some insight to the amount of ammo you carry
  5. Is 22-250 "enough gun" on wolves? - providing some input on the thread (helpful to others)
  6. Always, always check your tree stand for any possible issues. Had a cable break today when I was in the stand. - asking a question about a situation
  7. 2023 MULE DEER OFFICIAL MEAT POLE THREAD - congratulating another forum member
  8. Trad Kill Thread 2023 - congratulating another forum member
  9. My 2023 Season - wishing another forum good luck
The hilarious part of all of us is that the more you guys keep commenting on this thread the more you keep it at the top, the more people are likely to click on it and see the video thereby helping keep at the forefront the very thing that you’re all protesting. You guys are an absolute trip.

Yep, and the reason I lurk much more than I post is because of stuff just like this. It’s funny how in some forums they accept you with open arms, and quickly bring you in as part of the club, but then on others, they flame you over anything and everything, makes guys like me not really want to post a whole lot, and then when you do post your flamed because you don’t post enough and you’re somehow just a self-serving, hunt ruining, content creator,. You guys can be convinced of whatever you want. Doesn’t affect my life one way or the other. Best of luck to you all this next season.
Well, @Justin Byers - this can be reviewed, actually. Using the search function.....

Appears you joined on 8/17/2019. In the last five+ years, out of your 98 posts on Rokslide,
  • 89 of your posts are on threads you started (91%).
  • 9 of your posts are on threads started by others (9%).

That is, 91% of your posts are on threads you started. So, while @Bugger is not entirely accurate, that you've "never commented" to a single thread that wasn't yours, it is accurate 91% of the time.

For reference, below are your 9 posts on threads started by others:
  1. 3x3s Worth Shooting Picture Thread - posting about your Daughter's deer
  2. Decoys - providing some input on decoys (helpful to other hunters)
  3. 2023 Whitetail Meat Pole - posting a video of your hunt
  4. How much hunting ammo do you have per caliber? - providing some insight to the amount of ammo you carry
  5. Is 22-250 "enough gun" on wolves? - providing some input on the thread (helpful to others)
  6. Always, always check your tree stand for any possible issues. Had a cable break today when I was in the stand. - asking a question about a situation
  7. 2023 MULE DEER OFFICIAL MEAT POLE THREAD - congratulating another forum member
  8. Trad Kill Thread 2023 - congratulating another forum member
  9. My 2023 Season - wishing another forum good luck
can i just say, that regardless of the topic or the position taken on the topic, I just love it when people annotate. slash bring receipts.
Yeah, not true but that’s OK, not going to convince anyone any different, I don’t really care at this point.
Ok I browsed your history and was off by a couple while scrolling. It was an off-center hit, but the nail’s gonna hold. It’s obvious when someone’s on a forum only for self promotion. Even paying sponsors get friction when they start posting goofy stuff in the threads for “engagement”.
@Justin Byers - I would hope that you acknowledge that your "content" is only made possible because of the Wildlife management system we have the privilege of participating in, in America. Unfortunately, the system has been co-opted and monetized in the 21st century without acknowledgment.
No one can argue against you being proud of your accomplishments and wanting to share the stories. People have been doing that for thousands of years. How you share it matters and frankly, sharing it outside of your immediate circle of people in a way that is presented like click bate, moves you out of the altruistic, innocent camp you claim to be in. I will try to sum up the issue in a cheesy philosophical way.

"Videos and images of hunting content, carefully compiled to show a great success story full of skill, gear, and effort has the ability to change the way people think about the things they truly want. People who are normally quite happy, interested, and excited with the opportunities they have in their direct vicinity are overcome with a sense that the grass is greener, and they are missing out." So, they go apply for tags in 2 or 3 Western states. While this not bad, the reason why they are doing it creates a sense of "taking" rather than "participating or giving back".

You can "not care because this is America" and that's fine. Just be aware that click bate content from you, or Steven Rinella, or influencer X shines a very public light on the thing many of us value most and the attention it brings is not welcome.

Things to consider. Speaking as a reformed Meateater/Fresh Tracks consumer.
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