@Justin Byers - I would hope that you acknowledge that your "content" is only made possible because of the Wildlife management system we have the privilege of participating in, in America. Unfortunately, the system has been co-opted and monetized in the 21st century without acknowledgment.
No one can argue against you being proud of your accomplishments and wanting to share the stories. People have been doing that for thousands of years. How you share it matters and frankly, sharing it outside of your immediate circle of people in a way that is presented like click bate, moves you out of the altruistic, innocent camp you claim to be in. I will try to sum up the issue in a cheesy philosophical way.
"Videos and images of hunting content, carefully compiled to show a great success story full of skill, gear, and effort has the ability to change the way people think about the things they truly want. People who are normally quite happy, interested, and excited with the opportunities they have in their direct vicinity are overcome with a sense that the grass is greener, and they are missing out." So, they go apply for tags in 2 or 3 Western states. While this not bad, the reason why they are doing it creates a sense of "taking" rather than "participating or giving back".
You can "not care because this is America" and that's fine. Just be aware that click bate content from you, or Steven Rinella, or influencer X shines a very public light on the thing many of us value most and the attention it brings is not welcome.
Things to consider. Speaking as a reformed Meateater/Fresh Tracks consumer.