Biggest buck of my life…..

That's BS. I see you are from SC. I lived in SC for 18 wonderful years. Won the IHMSA revolver class state championship in '82 or 83. I've got rifles and pistols but never got into shotguns and bird hunting.

You had to be an outsider, shotguns aren't for bird hunting down there, it's how you dea hunt.

Buckshot and beagles.

I'm not saying that to be mean at all, it's just southern culture. I know more guys down there that haven't ever owned a rifle than have. Ain't no use for anything except a 12 GA and a 22.

But back to trolling the troll, ain't no point in us arguing amongst ourselves.
In the Upstate of SC, back in the 70s you pretty much had to hunt GMA land where deer were reintroduced to see a deer. It was shotgun only for deer so it wasn't just birds, squirrel or rabbits that you needed a shotgun for. In the late 80s I was whacking deer at 50-250 yards with a Contender 7-30 Waters pistol. A revolver never meant anything to me unless it would fit in my right front pocket or bib pocket of my overalls. I do respect your ability with a revolver. I would have enjoyed whackiing deer w open sights on a revolver.
I've still got my 80's Contender and a 7mm International Rimmed barrel, balistically equivalent to the 7-30 Waters. Been thinking about using it on some of our Va deer, or my .357 Max. My Dan Wesson .44 Mag was awesome for metalic silhouette.
Reminds me of that time in '79 when I killed a 261" with nothing but some fishing line and a couple 1/4oz lead sinkers.
Three pages in and I’m the first one that is most impressed with a deer of any size still sporting antler on March 1?? 😂
I call troll 🤪
I have been on more than one Idaho Pheasant hunt where folks were carrying shotguns and slung rifles in case an opportunity showed up. all legal and in the daylight, though.