6 PRC reloading

How are folks making a modified case for the 6 PRC? I assume a mandrel on the higher end of the caliber or the bottom of the next up but I’m unsure. I assume necking down a 6.5 Hornady modified case then a mandrel but curious what works. Would prefer not to buy another mandrel for 1 use 😂
No need to make a modified case. I disassemble the bolt and remove the plunger, then seat a bullet long and slowly start seating the bullet down till there is no resistance when closing the bolt. Here’s a link to Alex Wheeler web site with a video. Look for finding your lands video
No need to make a modified case. I disassemble the bolt and remove the plunger, then seat a bullet long and slowly start seating the bullet down till there is no resistance when closing the bolt. Here’s a link to Alex Wheeler web site with a video. Look for finding your lands video
pretty useful way of doing it.
I'll do a full writeup on my setup once it's done but some promising results so far...IMG_1468.jpeg
Pressure reached here: 109 ELDM, 61 grains N570, CBTO 2.348", 0.010" Jam in the Lands, COAL 2.941", 215GM PrimerIMG_1492.jpeg
Load the rifle liked the most, so far: 109 ELDM, 61 grains N570, CBTO 2.328", 0.010" Jump off Lands, COAL 2.921", 210GMIMG_1497.jpeg
61.5g N570
115 DTAC
3261 fps avg over 24 shots
20" barrel
Had better accuracy with H1000 going to try dropping .5g if it doesn't work I will be going back to H1000.
Got my barrel from PBB and assembled rifle. Headspace was good but the dummy round was tough to close bolt on and hard to eject. Looking at bullet looks like rifling scratches in the area that should be in the freebore. I suspect a worn out reamer cut my chamber. Disappointing for sure.

Anybody else have this problem before? What did you do?
Got my barrel from PBB and assembled rifle. Headspace was good but the dummy round was tough to close bolt on and hard to eject. Looking at bullet looks like rifling scratches in the area that should be in the freebore. I suspect a worn out reamer cut my chamber. Disappointing for sure.

Anybody else have this problem before? What did you do?
I'd call them and let them know.
Ask them to pay shipping also.
Got my barrel from PBB and assembled rifle. Headspace was good but the dummy round was tough to close bolt on and hard to eject. Looking at bullet looks like rifling scratches in the area that should be in the freebore. I suspect a worn out reamer cut my chamber. Disappointing for sure.

Anybody else have this problem before? What did you do?

I've seen borescope pics from a PBB barrel that had freebore cut to a smaller diameter than the depth of grooves thus you could see rifling in the freebore. That was in a PBB thread over at LRH and it seemed like PBB resolved it reasonably so I'd give em a call and see what they say.

Do you have a bore scope?
I've seen borescope pics from a PBB barrel that had freebore cut to a smaller diameter than the depth of grooves thus you could see rifling in the freebore. That was in a PBB thread over at LRH and it seemed like PBB resolved it reasonably so I'd give em a call and see what they say.

Do you have a bore scope?
I have a bore scope. Haven't had a chance to look yet. Did reach out to PBB and they seem eager to resolve for me. I'll keep you posted.
Just to clarify... you measured the the headspace of the dummy round?

I ran into an issure where 3 out of 100 new necked down 6.5 PRC ADG pieces would not chamber. All had .005+ headpace when compared to the others. All same lot of brass, resized at the same time. It was very strange.

Hope you get your issue resolved!
Got my barrel from PBB and assembled rifle. Headspace was good but the dummy round was tough to close bolt on and hard to eject. Looking at bullet looks like rifling scratches in the area that should be in the freebore. I suspect a worn out reamer cut my chamber. Disappointing for sure.

Anybody else have this problem before? What did you do?
My action from them came in from them last month. They use a .140 FB. Curious to hear results.

post photos of dummy round and bullet ?
I checked with headspace gages and an unloaded piece of brass. It is definitely a bullet issue.
This is mine. I loaded long and jammed it until the bolt open and closed smooth…

No idea how far OTL I am or if I need to try something different. 108 eldm


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