6 PRC reloading

How are folks making a modified case for the 6 PRC? I assume a mandrel on the higher end of the caliber or the bottom of the next up but I’m unsure. I assume necking down a 6.5 Hornady modified case then a mandrel but curious what works. Would prefer not to buy another mandrel for 1 use 😂
No need to make a modified case. I disassemble the bolt and remove the plunger, then seat a bullet long and slowly start seating the bullet down till there is no resistance when closing the bolt. Here’s a link to Alex Wheeler web site with a video. Look for finding your lands video
No need to make a modified case. I disassemble the bolt and remove the plunger, then seat a bullet long and slowly start seating the bullet down till there is no resistance when closing the bolt. Here’s a link to Alex Wheeler web site with a video. Look for finding your lands video
pretty useful way of doing it.
I'll do a full writeup on my setup once it's done but some promising results so far...IMG_1468.jpeg
Pressure reached here: 109 ELDM, 61 grains N570, CBTO 2.348", 0.010" Jam in the Lands, COAL 2.941", 215GM PrimerIMG_1492.jpeg
Load the rifle liked the most, so far: 109 ELDM, 61 grains N570, CBTO 2.328", 0.010" Jump off Lands, COAL 2.921", 210GMIMG_1497.jpeg
61.5g N570
115 DTAC
3261 fps avg over 24 shots
20" barrel
Had better accuracy with H1000 going to try dropping .5g if it doesn't work I will be going back to H1000.