6.8 Western instead of 7mm Rem Mag?

The more people that get those rifles, the better the support will be. Nosler and Hornady won’t support the 6.8 Western because they want their own new cartridges to win a competitive edge in the marketplace. If federal would pick it up then that would help move it up faster for sure. Lapua and Peterson would probably look at making brass if the popularity keeps moving up. Right now Peterson and Lapua are stuck with supporting the two Wars or they might be more receptive to adding new cartridges.

Winchester stopped producing 284 Winchester rifles and ammo over 50 years ago but now the cartridge is more popular than it ever was. That is because you can shove a 180 VLD out to a 1,000 yards with incredible accuracy and win matches! Winchester learned it’s lesson with the 6.8 Western. The cartridge and the chamber for it, are deigned to shoot heavy BC bullets out to long ranges with incredible accuracy and energy. The throat of the chamber has a longer leade so that the bullet from factory ammo doesn’t “jump” around as much. The result is that the bullet is better lined up with the bore which results in greater accuracy and velocity. With handloads, the longer leade is not as much of an advantage because we seat the bullet out to “kiss” the lands anyway.
hopefully the 6.8 does not go the way of the 270wsm. i can't find ammo for the 270wsm. 6.8 is basically the same thing, but for heavy for caliber bullets.
Cabelas has it in stock if looking at least did the other day when I was at store. Think
They had winchster copper and extreme point
I have a 6.8W and love it. Between the kids and I, we've taken 3 elk, 3 mulies and 4 pronghorn with 175g Sierras. Shots between 40-500yds. Great performance on critters and tame recoil for my 12yo. A 7mm will likely have the same performance on those animals, so I'd buy what you'd like to shoot.

In regards to ammo/components availability, I've noticed the shelves will get restocked and ammo is plentiful. As the supply dwindles, re-stocking tends to lag demand and components will be difficult to find for a period of time. My approach: stock up when you see ammo/components so you have a surplus and then you don't need to worry about availability until you run out.
Yes, the 6.8 is an improvement on the 270 wsm, but Hornady basically makes and breaks new cartridges these days and they are ignoring it at best and trying to kill it at worst because it essentially renders 6.5 and 7mm prc unnecessary. At least from a hunting standpoint. It is going to take a lot of consumers buying guns and ammo in 6.8 to keep it alive. I just decided to commit to handloading it so commercial availability isnt a concern.
I stumbled onto Choice Ammuntion. If you are willing to pay the piper they offer some interesting loads for it.
The prices are about the same that Browning is charging for their long range ammo when it ever comes back into stock that is. I will hand load. Have my loads planned. Looking for a few boxes of the cheapest ammo I can find to break in the barrel with though. I have all the parts I need to put the rifle together now. The barrel and stock came at the same time today…
Yes, the 6.8 is an improvement on the 270 wsm, but Hornady basically makes and breaks new cartridges these days and they are ignoring it at best and trying to kill it at worst because it essentially renders 6.5 and 7mm prc unnecessary. At least from a hunting standpoint. It is going to take a lot of consumers buying guns and ammo in 6.8 to keep it alive. I just decided to commit to handloading it so commercial availability isnt a concern.

“Unnecessary”? None of them are necessary. Sure, there are strengths and weaknesses to all of them, but they all do the same damn thing from a hunting perspective.

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Yes, the 6.8 is an improvement on the 270 wsm, but Hornady basically makes and breaks new cartridges these days and they are ignoring it at best and trying to kill it at worst because it essentially renders 6.5 and 7mm prc unnecessary. At least from a hunting standpoint. It is going to take a lot of consumers buying guns and ammo in 6.8 to keep it alive. I just decided to commit to handloading it so commercial availability isnt a concern.
The caliber itself 270/6.8 isn’t loved in the market. Think of 308, 30-06, and 300 win mag, they live in the head and sell like hotcakes because of reputation and they are everywhere. Elk require a .300 or they won’t die…

270 win and 270 wsm fell into the smallest crack between two other cracks, 6.5/260 and 7/280. That it falls between two cartridges that are nearly indistinguishable means there isn’t a reason to buy it, especially with the “risk” and unknown factor.

The 6.5 creed shooting the same weight bullets as the 270 win, and better BC established the 6.5 in the mind and market as a player. All the new bullets came out for 6.5. It won over the .260 because it created a new category in factory SAAMI specs.

The Western is late to the game and only now getting the variety of bullets needed to sustain it for ammo and handloaders.

Hornady has the power in the market because they make bullets and brass, and know how to sell them. They don’t get a royalty on every 6.5 cm they sell, they let anyone sell it.

Look, I love me an even smaller crack, the .257, so I get it. I think 6.8 Western will stick around but unfortunately it will be hard to compete with the market in reality. It has a hard place to compete.

Stock up when you see it and be prepared to handload if it came to that. Otherwise, it might be like the 270 wsm, and the only advantage is the higher BC bullets by design.
I purchased an xbolt in 6.8 earlier this year as my "Do-All" rifle.I cannot say enough good things about it. Gun is amazingly accurate with factory 175gr BLR . 1/4MOA at 100yds. Low recoil, veey fun shoot. Just killed a bull last week at 258yds, the 6.8 did not disappoint. I think you'll be happy with the rifle, just buy ammo as you can.
Another 6.8w fan here. I bought the xbolt in 6.8w and love it. It shoots well, low recoil (less than my .30-06), and has great ballistics. I shot a nice mule deer at 330 yards and it performed admirably.
As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Unless you just really want to burn money or have a lot of disposable income.
I'm not sure if you are wanting us to talk you into to the 6.8 or out of it. ;). Assuming you have plenty of time before you hunt again, you might as well get the 6.8.

However, it might be worth holding onto the 7 Mag at least until you shoot the 6.8 and determine if that is going to be "it" or not. Not all guns shoot really accurate and the 6.8 available for $5 less might be one that the XPR won't like.
I picked up a Winchester XPR ostensibly as a backup rifle way back when they first came out when I stumbled upon an almost unbelievable deal on the internet that included a crazy-cheap price coupled with a substantial factory rebate. I got it in 6.5 Creedmoor as it seemed like the thing to do at the time with that cartridge's popularity.

Fast forward a few years and that XPR is now my favorite hunting rifle. It shoots great with just about any factory load from 120 - 147gr and shoots unbelievably well with a few select factory loads, namely the Winchester 142gr ABLR and Hornady 147gr ELD-M.

I know there won't be much love around here for an inexpensive factory rifle with limited aftermarket options but as a solid, reliable and accurate hunting rifle, the XPR is hard beat at its price point.

BTW, I also think the 6.8 Western is cool AF. I'm glad you pulled the trigger on one as I have been contemplating grabbing another XPR chambered for it!
I like the round and am glad the OP bought one. It's pretty similar to the 7mm RM in performance, I find it does seem to kick a bit less on average. Since I'm on board I hope it does well, Winchester is now making several models in left hand too which is nice. The 20" models are pretty interesting to me so may add a second one just because.
I love the 6.8w. Now if only someone was making brass then I could sell my 6.5 prc
Winchester makes brass but hard to get ahold of because they are the only ones that make it right. I have a couple hundred pieces for now hoping that some premium brass comes out this year.