No measuring. You are correct, I am wrong. I had one bad experience watching a guy shoot a ewe with one. He shot it 6 times and I watched the painfully slow death. I don't know what the hell he was using for bullets but it left a bad taste in my mouth for it. Like I said I love my 6.5 PRC for deer. But once again I am just so ignorant on the subject and you are correct. The 6.5 is perfect and so is the 223. They are more than enough for any game in North America. You are correct I am just miss guided and should never have broached the subject at all. Hell, I think I should refrain from saying anything ever again on these forums.
Sounds like a good story line for a tick tock video
In all seriousness, it’s completely fine to not personally have confidence in something, and at the same time recognize that it’s not a bad choice, it’s just not for you… we are free to use any legal weapon/projectile combo we want to… I also think it’s fair to discuss things we don’t like/trust, care to use, but offer up some reasoning why.
I will never use a .223 for elk, or probably any firearm for that matter, I like shooting them with arrows, but do recognize with the right projectile, they are hell on anything in this country…. It wasn’t long ago that I thought the .223 was too small to consistently make very short work of elk… that was a feeling I had, but the thread I mentioned earlier, my feelings couldn’t hold up to page after page of devastation on elk (even moose) I cannot argue, with no experience seeing elk shot with a .223 that my feelings are valid vs tons of first hand experience proving my feelings wrong…. With the right projectile, the .223 is a very viable elk cartridge… with conventional wisdom, that’s hard to accept, but it’s factual and proven… the creed is a lot more than a .223, and again, the same participants (with a ton of real world first hand experience) have shown the proof of a 6.5creed also being a very viable and consistent elk killing cartridge (as well as the 6mm’s)
I don’t care if people want to put their trust in paper performance vs actual performance on live critters, but I always lean towards real world vs hypothetical experience (though that’s probably considered racist these days

I’m not trying to be an ass asking you questions, I just think it’s important to separate hypothetical vs real world experience for the sake of discussion… anybody can say anything on an Internet forum, but where the rubber meets the road is real world experience…. I have only messed with rifle hunting personally for the last 12-13yrs but have always taken friends and family, and most of that time I pretty much accepted conventional wisdom… sometimes conventional wisdom isn’t that wise