6.5 Creedmoor Hornady 140 ELDM for Bull Elk

A 140 ELDm out of a 6.5 Creedmoor is a very good choice for elk, and within its given velocity threshold for expansion, which has been discussed here repeatedly, 1800 fps or so, produces excellent results and wound cavities. It’s very shoot able and manageable. My sons and I have killed 25+ elk, both cows and bulls, with either a 6.5 Creedmoor or its twins, a .260 Remington or a 6.5 x 55, almost all with match grade bullets. 6 of those were this fall/winter, mostly with a 139 Lapua Scenar, an OTM style match bullet, that isn’t my first choice, but still resulted in relatively fast kills. Many of those were with 143 ELDx, a ballistic and constructive twin to the ELDm. Some at very extended ranges and with rapid expiration, none being lost. One required a 2 mile track after a broken leg hit with a 129 LR Accubond, but that was simply a bad hit. A bad hit with a .50 BMG would have had the same result, a broken, pinwheeling leg and a long track. The elk was found a killed with an appropriately place bullet, with the same .260 Rem. The 6.5 Creedmoor is a very appropriate elk cartridge.
One guys opinion with a youtube channel or a whole bunch of guys hunting big game successfully with lowly calibers.....
LMAO Not an Opinion pure FACTS SON. This guy will forget mor than you will ever ever Learn! All you hyped up wana be cowboys that are brainwashed about the 6.5 that think your cool it's NOT an ethical Elk cartridge PERIOD!!!!!!!! But your not going change your mind due to that 5 cent head of yours.......
LMAO Not an Opinion pure FACTS SON. This guy will forget mor than you will ever ever Learn! All you hyped up wana be cowboys that are brainwashed about the 6.5 that think your cool it's NOT an ethical Elk cartridge PERIOD!!!!!!!! But your not going change your mind due to that 5 cent head of yours.......
You've presented no facts, just an opinion. In doing so, you've demonstrated that it is highly unlikely that you have access to any facts...likely due to having little field experience. If you're willing to embrace facts, this forum is absolutely packed with them in the form of pictures and field autopsies.
No idea who the dude in the video is, but I wouldn't take his advice on anything but sitting in a chair if it came with a million bucks.
I wonder how long the mods will let us play with this poor fella before they mercifully swing the ban hammer.

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You've presented no facts, just an opinion. In doing so, you've demonstrated that it is highly unlikely that you have access to any facts...likely due to having little field experience. If you're willing to embrace facts, this forum is absolutely packed with them in the form of pictures and field autopsies.
No idea who the dude in the video is, but I wouldn't take his advice on anything but sitting in a chair if it came with a million bucks.
I wonder how long the mods will let us play with this poor fella before they mercifully swing the ban hammer.

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LMFAO That's right you have no idea who the man in the chair is...... Do some research on him and who he is and you will quickly stop running that Ignorant C#@K HOLSTER of yours. He has done more Autopsies and built more ammo and bullets as well as rifles while you still were daddy's little squirt... He is the Pioneer that helped 95% of the ammunition companies out there today about ballistics and energy etc... BUT I'm kicking a dead horse!
My daughter killed her cow elk this year with……a 6.5 Grendel AR 15. It was as big as a full mature cow gets and produced just as much meat as my rag horn archery bull. Custom built rifle with 22” barrel to get as much oomph as possible out of the hand loaded 129 ablr. 2500fps at the muzzle. I treated it like a long range round at closer range since I limit a 12yo to 200yds max even though she consistently shoots under moa and practices at 200yds regularly. She did hit her 3 times but she was clearly dead after the first shot and couldn’t run off with the others. All 3 shots were in the 140yd range and she dropped within 100yds of the first shot. Killed her just as well as my last couple bulls with 30-06 and .308, actually better. I always continue shooting till they drop. Hit 1 bull 4 times with a .308 with hand loaded Berger 168’s. Final 3 shots were within 75yds. All of her shots were perfectly broadside. The double lung first shot hit an off side rib just right and turned and ended up under the hide in the flank/ham area. Perfectly mushroomed and about 117gr retained weight. Final neck shot was a pass through with good damage that anchored her after she stood doin the death wobble for about a minute. I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a bull with it within 400yds. I would highly recommend the ablr for the creed. Maybe step up to the 142 or 150.
LMFAO That's right you have no idea who the man in the chair is...... Do some research on him and who he is and you will quickly stop running that Ignorant C#@K HOLSTER of yours. He has done more Autopsies and built more ammo and bullets as well as rifles while you still were daddy's little squirt... He is the Pioneer that helped 95% of the ammunition companies out there today about ballistics and energy etc... BUT I'm kicking a dead horse!
Just checked out his website. The companies he notes working with are Burris and Speer... Says fixed reticles are best for long range shooting. Puts VX5s on his long range packages. Stock designs that aren't even good for offhand shooting, much less prone. Truly, the antithesis of everything that modern data and experience have taught us. Data that again, this site is full of. Thousands of posts with real data. Where is yours to suggest the 6.5/ELD M combo is inadequate?

You've been completely unable to back up your point. Instead, you have resorted to name calling and an absurd appeal to authority. It's probably time to put the bottle down and go to bed dude.

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LMFAO That's right you have no idea who the man in the chair is...... Do some research on him and who he is and you will quickly stop running that Ignorant C#@K HOLSTER of yours. He has done more Autopsies and built more ammo and bullets as well as rifles while you still were daddy's little squirt... He is the Pioneer that helped 95% of the ammunition companies out there today about ballistics and energy etc... BUT I'm kicking a dead horse!
So has the real gunsmith also used a 6.5 with match bullets to prove they don't work?

Because unless he has then he is just making shit up.
Can't say something doesn't work unless you've tried it.
The “real gunsmith” seems like a total FUDD. I just checked his website out and I’ll pass on his opinions. He’s just an old dude with old ideas/opinions that aren’t grounded in reality.

It’s amazing that his #1 fan has started posting here though.
He's the Alpha-Fudd, I was surprised to see a video of his posted for anything more than a cheap laugh.
I saw that guy pop up on YouTube talking about long-range hunting, and everything he said was outdated and full of opinion. Armchair gunsmith is what he ought to change his name to.

I suspect Isummey is the old boy just trying to spread his gospel. Too bad he's already banned, he was gonna be fun!
LMFAO That's right you have no idea who the man in the chair is...... Do some research on him and who he is and you will quickly stop running that Ignorant C#@K HOLSTER of yours. He has done more Autopsies and built more ammo and bullets as well as rifles while you still were daddy's little squirt... He is the Pioneer that helped 95% of the ammunition companies out there today about ballistics and energy etc... BUT I'm kicking a dead horse!

I guess the elk we let the air out of last Thursday at 700 yds with a 143 eldx is still alive. And the other one on Saturday, since 6.5mm doesn't work.

Simping for a moron like in that video is a bad look.
He's the Alpha-Fudd, I was surprised to see a video of his posted for anything more than a cheap laugh.
He really is. Look at his website, leupold scopes on everything, no 6.5, no chassis, about the chassis stuff he literally says “don’t even ask”.

I’ve actually seen him on the 24 hour dumpster fire saying chassis guns aren’t real guns and that he will kick people out of his deer camp if they have a silencer or a chassis. He’s a dork for sure.
What makes you qualified to tell us what is or is not an "appropriate caliber and bullet" to kill elk? Please provide a list of these outfitters that "have forbidden Creed for hunters coming to hunt elk". I'd like to avoid spending any of my hard earned dollars with such ignorant business owners.
Do I need to provide a Resume to offer an opinion? My opinion is has been formed by shooting, guiding and observing a few hundred head of big game, in almost every western state, 3 African countries, Alaska, Canada and Mexico…..

Inuits routinely shoot Polar bears, and Walrus with a .223. That doesn’t make it a good idea. Some Elk are killed cleanly with a Creed, or a 257 Robert’s, or a 243…. That also doesn’t make it a good idea. Larger bullets are subjectively, more effective, in my observation. I am personally not super recoil sensitive, so I naturally lean into “bigger is better”.

If I was mentoring a small statured person, I would have no problem hunting Elk with a Creed, however shot selection would be much more critical, than if I’m carrying a big 30, or a 338.

Best of luck to you all, arguing with strangers on the internet.
Do I need to provide a Resume to offer an opinion? My opinion is has been formed by shooting, guiding and observing a few hundred head of big game, in almost every western state, 3 African countries, Alaska, Canada and Mexico…..

Inuits routinely shoot Polar bears, and Walrus with a .223. That doesn’t make it a good idea. Some Elk are killed cleanly with a Creed, or a 257 Robert’s, or a 243…. That also doesn’t make it a good idea. Larger bullets are subjectively, more effective, in my observation. I am personally not super recoil sensitive, so I naturally lean into “bigger is better”.

If I was mentoring a small statured person, I would have no problem hunting Elk with a Creed, however shot selection would be much more critical, than if I’m carrying a big 30, or a 338.

Best of luck to you all, arguing with strangers on the internet.
Shot selection should be exactly the same with a 30, 338 or a.....6.5.
Agree, shoot them through lungs/heart and any caliber will be sufficient depending on bullet and range. Maybe that's what he meant?

No, I think most magnum-only proponents use confounding logic of “margin” for poorly placed shots, without acknowledging that minimum caliber rifles allow better shot placement (all else being equal regarding rifle accuracy).

He even acknowledged that people hunting dangerous game daily routinely use 223’s, yet that is somehow a ‘bad idea’…

Mental gymnastics.
