6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

I got my first big game animals hunting with a suppressor this past weekend in Kansas. Doe at 75 yards. Buck at 90 yards. .260 Rem, Black Hills loaded 140 gr ELD-M. Neither deer took another step.

It was so effective and mild it seemed like using some kind of sci-fi rifle. Quiet, extremely low recoil, one shot, dead right there, no non-sense performance. Sorry, no internet worthy pics.
Well, after shooting a couple whitetails with my 223 on our opener, I carried my 6.5 for the rest of the season, and didn't ever quite get another killed.

Thanks to all who posted in here this year, and hopefully there's more to come! I feel it's a great resource.
I have never hunted elk being from Ohio. I wondered how the creedmoor would do on bigger game. Thanks for the post and the pics.
20221029_082951.jpg143 eldx 6.5cm
220 yards had to shoot him a little more forward then I prefer because of a tree. Broke both shoulders and bullet was in the meat on the offside shoulder. This has been my primary mule deer gun for the last 5 years and has worked very well. I really enjoy packing it, as it's an extremely light weight set up and very accurate for being completely factory (except a trigger spring) , but for some reason the 7saum has been calling my name haha (just an excuse to have another gun 😆). I am thinking a 7 saum shooting 168vlds, definance anti x, mdt hnt26 folder, triggertech, and either nx8 2.5-20 or mark 5 3.6-18. What do you guys think? Sounds pretty fun to me
Small 80ish lb sow
130yds quartering away, slight down hill.
140 ELD-M @ about 2600 impact velocity

Dropped right at the shot, big entry broke 7 ribs. Insides were mush, no exit. Did not recover any bullet.



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One to add, Whitetail doe at 160, factory 143 precision hunter 6.5 creed.

Crap shot by me, spine her about 4" high and forward of my aim point. Dropped in her tracks, and the bullet made a nice 1.5-2" hole right through. Top of oth the lungs showed slight damage, either from bone or bullet fragments. Ended with a finishing shot to the base of the skull when I got up to her.
Has anyone here played around with cutting edge in the 6.5? Something like the Rifle Maximus or the Lazer? With the lower weights, probably running it faster? In an ideal world I'd run copper, but not if it's compromising performance.

@Formidilosus - Do any of your bullet recommendations change for PRC velocities (e.g. a 140 @ ~2900 fps MV) where shorter range shots happen too? Two of my elk were shot at sub 50 yards so something I'm aware of.

I have a 26" bbl creed that probably won't get hunted much as it's a tank, but am putting together a new 20" barrel PRC. Have plenty of 140 Berger Hybrids on hand, but need to decide what I'd like to hunt with because I just don't get the number of animals on the ground with a rifle to go from personal experience.

Also not a lot of Berger 156 EOL posts here which is what I was leaning towards.
Has anyone here played around with cutting edge in the 6.5? Something like the Rifle Maximus or the Lazer? With the lower weights, probably running it faster? In an ideal world I'd run copper, but not if it's compromising performance.

@Formidilosus - Do any of your bullet recommendations change for PRC velocities (e.g. a 140 @ ~2900 fps MV) where shorter range shots happen too? Two of my elk were shot at sub 50 yards so something I'm aware of.

I have a 26" bbl creed that probably won't get hunted much as it's a tank, but am putting together a new 20" barrel PRC. Have plenty of 140 Berger Hybrids on hand, but need to decide what I'd like to hunt with because I just don't get the number of animals on the ground with a rifle to go from personal experience.

Also not a lot of Berger 156 EOL posts here which is what I was leaning towards.
I shot a whitetail and a bull elk with 156 EOL.( first post in this thread) 2 animals isn't much, but I'd use them without hesitation, whether Creedmoor or PRC, from my limited experience. Impacts were both around 2600 fps, with nice wound channels, but not horrific. Both exited, and with the whitetail there were bits of lung scattered out in the field behind the impact location.

It's also one of the bullets my rifle shoots extremely well.
Form, seems like most of your kills are a bit longer this year, with impacts down to 1600 fps. Are the results changing your opinion on the 1800 minimum velocity for acceptable results?