6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

2020 black bear, 220lbs. 6.5CM, 127gr. Barnes XLR, 10 yards.



6.5 CM
Hornady 143 gr. ELDX
Antelope 400yds. never took a step.
Mule deer 410yds. made one bound of about 10 yds.
Mule deer 375yds. never took a step.
Mule deer 300yds. ran maybe 20 yards and fell over dead.

Its a deadly combo with the right shot placement. Would love to shoot an elk, but I'm always chasing them with my bow. I have no doubt it would be the same outcome. I watched my sister shoot multiple elk with her .243 in the 90's. they were all uneventful and died within sight.
First buck!

260 Rem, 100 gr Nosler PT loaded to 3140fps. Quartering shot through left shoulder and bullet recovered under the hide in front of the right hip. 80-ish yards. 154 3/8” and doubt he will top it anytime soon lol.


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666y, 2,070’ish FPS impact, 130gr Berger OTM Hybrid AR, did not leave his bed-
View attachment 358436

801y, 1,850fps impact, 130gr Berger OTM, traveled 70’ish yards-
View attachment 358438

606y, 130gr Berger hybrid, 1,850fps impact, traveled around 60 yards maybe-
View attachment 358439

676y, 130gr Terminal Ascent, 1,970fps impact, traveled 130’ish yards-
View attachment 358440

328y, 130gr TMK, 40’ish yards traveled-
View attachment 358445

373y, 143gr ELD-X, less than 10 yards traveled-
View attachment 358446

373 or 378y can’t remember exactly, 130gr TMK, 70-80 yards travel-
View attachment 358447

I can post more later.
All with the 6.5CM? Impressive kills!
If someone had both 140 Berger Elite Hunters & Hybrid Targets, and 143 ELD-X and 147 ELD-M available what would determine which one to use in a 6.5 out of a 19.5" barrel?

Presuming they all shoot reasonably well (which I'll confirm as soon as they cut the corn out here...)
If someone had both 140 Berger Elite Hunters & Hybrid Targets, and 143 ELD-X and 147 ELD-M available what would determine which one to use in a 6.5 out of a 19.5" barrel?

Presuming they all shoot reasonably well (which I'll confirm as soon as they cut the corn out here...)

What terminal performance do you prefer? Immediate upset, or delayed upset?
What terminal performance do you prefer? Immediate upset, or delayed upset?

I'd prefer the shortest possible tracking job. Not personally too hung up on if the bullet is supposed to penetrate 3" then explode, slowly mushroom over 24", etc. Nor do I really have the sample size to really back up what happens.

I have a ladder of 10 of each loaded up to determine rough velocities, then will load a group of 10 at whatever bullet/powder charge I pick.

w/ the 147 ELD-M at 42g of H4350 I'm getting about 2580fps out of a 19.25" barrel (2600 w/ win primers). Was getting 2450 with 156 EOLs before seeing slight pressure signs, but sold those awhile ago as I didn't have enough to make it worth developing a load.


I have a 30-06 that shows pressure signs (hard bolt lift and extractor mark) at the book minimum so I'm not really comfortable starting 1 gr off max as you recommend, but I do like the concept of just picking a velocity and then seeing how it shoots!

Edit - I say ladder but I'm not really looking for flat spots or anything, just the highest velocity I can get without any pressure signs.
I'd prefer the shortest possible tracking job. Not personally too hung up on if the bullet is supposed to penetrate 3" then explode, slowly mushroom over 24", etc. Nor do I really have the sample size to really back up what happens.

143gr ELD-X or 140gr Elite Hunters. Though you’d have to shoot a lot of animals and really track it to notice a difference between them.
Talking calibers with a buddy of mine the other day, he killed his buffalo with 1 shot from a 6.5 cm from a few hundred yards out. Good shot placement.
All that’s left of the heart and both lungs on a 215lb Northern Whitetail tonight. He ran 5 yards and collapsed.

View attachment 472234

.260 Rem 129 Grain SST as always.

Ended up doubling up on a nice doe, both deer were at 225 yards. 2 shots and 2 kills with the new SWFA fixed 6 and the old reliable Tikka.
I like it!

Should be plenty of rifle hunting going on this month. If any of you have results, post them up!
Sheep number 5 from my 6.5 CM with Barnes 127 LRX factory ammo with a MV of 2790. This one was from only 40 yards. Was preparing for a much longer uphill shot, 600+, if he would have moved down from his position near the top of a ridge. Instead I ran a couple thousand feet up and got on top of him. Double lung pass through. He took 2 steps then tumbled down the steep face.


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