40 Mile Caribou Backpacking Hunt


Dec 22, 2014
They don't. I've never seen less than 24 hrs notice, and 48 hrs is more common. If they expect that the quota will be reached nearly immediately, they will either announce further restrictions or simply set the closure date before it even opens. HOWEVER, in my experience the early August portion of the herd crossing the Steese is usually heavy on the cows. No predicting caribou with any certainty, but the bulk of the bulls are often still trailing back into Zone 3. It may take a minute to hit quota.

I strongly urge anybody hunting this opener to act like any other hunt. Stalk within range and pick your shots with care. Just because you can see other hunters on the ridgeline and the clock is ticking, doesn't mean mean you need to try long or running shots. The wounding and loss rates on these hunts is embarrassing. If you see one herd passing through, there will be another.

This goes double this year because of the bull only restriction. The wildlife troopers will be at every trailhead stacking confiscated cows in their truck.

I've drug a couple dozen caribou back from the Steese. It's a great place, but I'll let you guys have it on the 10th this year.
I agree, it will almost certainly be open for at least a couple days for the simple fact that hunters have three days to report kills and then ADFG gives a day or two notice. I really wish I could go this year.
Apr 9, 2012
Fishhook, Alaska
Scouting for migrating caribou, is that a thing? I'd save my time and just go hunting when it opens, then you can "scout" and shoot at the same time...

Call it "exploring for access routes" then. :) The caribou situation changes rapidly of course, but if you have never been up the Steese before, odds are you will just end up in the ball of trucks at Eagle Summit.
Mar 21, 2012
Oh, I'm all for a person knowing the area they plan to go. That helps a lot when the time comes to hunt it.
Aug 9, 2019
Call it "exploring for access routes" then. :) The caribou situation changes rapidly of course, but if you have never been up the Steese before, odds are you will just end up in the ball of trucks at Eagle Summit.
Exploring is definitely worth it. Lots of different trails in the area other than Eagle. Lots of rough country too that ATVs can't get into. I have spent about 5 nights in the area and learned alot.


Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
I agree, it will almost certainly be open for at least a couple days for the simple fact that hunters have three days to report kills and then ADFG gives a day or two notice. I really wish I could go this year.
Sometimes ADFG will announce closure prior to season opening. Let's say the season is opening on the 10th and a huge quantity of caribou are on the Steese, F&G could announce, in advance of the season, a closure on the 11th.

The herd seems to have stalled out south of the Steese but it's anyone's guess when they may decide to move on.
Aug 9, 2019
There is not a single Caribou out there. The 9 are from ATVs who went 15 minimum miles in and probably a resident or two that you see occasionally. I went back to Fairbanks after being out 3 nights (some in heavy fog and a snowstorm) after I had my friend call Adfg and inreach me about movements.

I have a great spot. It has old migration trails all through it. Apparently, once the shooting starts many get driven to these hills. I saw only one hunter, no ATVs since its surrounded by high rocky hills and forested from the road, and he said he shoots a bull there every year. Whats the best way I can time going back up?

I also ran the Monarch HGs for the first time and they were AMAZING!
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Apr 16, 2021
Texas, most of the time
Word on the street is that a fire caused the whole herd, like 40k animals, to hang a left and head into Canada. Heard nobody really got any. Anybody else confirm?

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Aug 16, 2022
"Getting away from it" is not that easy on foot especially since you won't know the proximity of the herd until just prior to your hunt. Keep in touch with ADFG in Tok for ideas.
I am trying to put together a visit to the Steese or Taylor Hwy areas. Can someone enlighten me regarding the general travel direction of the heard in the fall are they i am guessing to the southeast but like I said I am very ignorant of this caribou thing since I have never been on a caribou hunt and never been to that part of AK as of yet.
Aug 9, 2019
Went on the last day when the Caribou started moving out of the zone again. I saw 2 shot and came across 6 cows. Hunting was very slow and it was a really bad year in general. Already starting to plan my next trip.

If anyone wants to come along next year, I have some local contacts that could hook me up with a pilot at a reasonable hourly rate and avoid the high cost big game transporters that primarily serve non residents.
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